Sloppy Fat Kike Harvey Weinstein Arrested in New York, Charged with Multiple Counts of Rape

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 25, 2018

Into the precinct…

…and out of the precinct.

This was bound to happen.

The anti-Semitic #metoo movement began with Master Race Aryan Ronan the Accuser calling out the sloppy fat kike Weinstein, and got a bunch of stupid whores pushing our non-ironic “gas the kikes” agenda (seriously guys, we want to commit an actual brutal genocide – no matter what the ADL claims, this not some edgy joke) to staggering new heights.

The fact that he probably didn’t actually rape any of these women and just told them they had to have sex with him to get the roles they wanted is not important to me at all.

“True justice” was never important to the kikes when they took over and it isn’t important to me now.

Watching this bulbous rat get handcuffed brings me joy as deep as the blackest pits of hell Harvey will eventually be thrown into.


Facing potentially years behind bars, sources say Weinstein is likely looking at first degree and third degree rape charges and a first degree criminal sexual act charge from the Manhattan District Attorney’s office.

Once the most powerful producer in Hollywood, Weinstein exited the precinct house at about 8:45 AM ET in handcuffs, escorted into a waiting car. The New York Police Department issued a statement saying he had been arrested and charged with rape, criminal sex act, sex abuse and sexual misconduct for incidents involving two separate women.

“The NYPD thanks these brave survivors for their courage to come forward and seek justice,” police said in the statement obtained by Deadline. “The arrest and ensuing charges are the result of a joint investigation between the NYPD and the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office.”

Weinstein was seen leaving the precinct in handcuffs, smiling, as he was escorted to a waiting car to be driven to court — a powerful image for the women who accused him of abuse.

Though accused by close to 80 women, the charges apparently center on three incidents within the Empire State’s statute of limitations: former Boardwalk Empireactor Paz de la Huerta has claimed that Weinstein raped her twice in 2010, and a 2004 occurrence where college student Lucia Evans said the Hollywood mogul compelled her to perform oral sex on him.

lol @ twice raped.

“Well, he raped me once, but then I agreed to be alone with him again because I was thinking like, ‘nobody has the nerve to rape the same woman twice in a row.’ Oh, how wrong I was.”

Paz de la Huerta

Lucia Evans

“Blowjob rape” is also lols.

The fact that this shit is so obviously fake just makes it that much funnier.

Weinstein arrived at the Lower Manhattan station house early this morning amid a throng of media and onlookers gathered at the police station, with NYPD barricades up to separate them the Oscar-wining producer as he was escorted inside. The disgraced media mogul carried three books under his right arm, including what appeared to be a biography of Elia Kazan, the director of such classic Hollywood films as On the Waterfront and A Streetcar Named Desire. He walked silently through the media phalanx as the cameras clicked and reporters shouted “Harvey!”


Elia Kazan!

Allegedly not Jewish – he claimed to be a Greek-Turk but was constantly mistaken for a Jew and lived in an age when it was beneficial to be crypto (he was also a communist) – he was notorious for doing casting sex with “actresses.”

The other has been identified as a book about Rodgers and Hammerstein, other infamous casting couchers.

They were both Jewish communists.

Obviously, Harvey knew he wasn’t going to be sitting in a jail cell long enough to read one book, let alone three, so he carried these to make a statement. With those books, the statement is “this shit has been going on for a century, I’m not the first guy to do a casting couch.”

That’s been his basic defense from the begging – “I didn’t invent this system, this is how actresses were getting jobs from the beginning of Hollywood. It was industry standard. No one informed me the rules had changed.”

The other book hasn’t been identified because it has a book cover over it, but it was presumably the Talmud (just in case he did end up having to spend a couple nights in jail somehow).

The best part of this event was that they sent a fat dykecop to arrest him.

Liberals are rarely ever funny anymore, but that is genuinely funny. Though I suppose they might be so humorless as to not even have been thinking of the funniness of it, and viewing it as some kind of serious statement.

Anyway, he’s already out on bail.

But he can’t flee to Israel without a passport… unless he goes to Mexico first, which he could easily do. But that would just make the whole thing all the better.

Otherwise, he is probably going to prison.

They’re just going to keep adding charges.

I mean, one of these bitches – a college student and aspiring actress – is saying he “forced her” to give him a blowjob at a party?

Furthermore, this is inevitably going to lead to more kikes getting hard-kiked by these hookers. This video of the fat Jew getting led away in handcuffs is inspiring and energizing to feminist sluts as it is to you or I, and they want to see more of these “powerful white men” suffer the same fate.

And unlike us, feminists have the power to get Jews arrested and prosecuted.

Sieg Heil, ladies!

May your glorious and noble endeavor continue to march forward!

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