Sloppy Jew Whore John Hagee Claims Christian Support for Israel is Rising

Daily Stormer
October 31, 2014

John Hagee – a fat Jew whore who belongs in a concentration camp.

The fat Jew whore John Hagee is claiming that Christian support for Israel in America is rising despite the fact that Israel is becoming increasingly hated around the world.  Of course this statement is coming from the same man who recently said that God sent Ebola to earth because people weren’t doing enough for the Jewish people.

The world will be better off when this disgusting Christian Zionist nut is no longer among the living.  The amount of people this man has brainwashed into supporting Jews and Israel is phenomenal – all while juicing them for shekels.

It is difficult to fathom that this man runs a 1.8 million member organization centered around the political agenda of Christian Zionism.

Jerusalem Post:

While anti-Semitism in Europe and anti-Zionism on US college campuses are on the upswing, how is American Christian support for Israel trending? Stronger than ever, says the founder of the country’s largest pro-Israel organization.

“I can assure you that the Evangelical Christians of America support Israel right now in a more aggressive mood than at any time in my lifetime,” Pastor John Hagee, national chairman of the 1.8-million member Christians United for Israel (CUFI), told

Hagee’s assessment of the pulse of Christian Zionism came one day after 5,000 people attended the 33rd annual “A Night to Honor Israel” at Cornerstone Church in San Antonio, Texas. CUFI’s goal is to facilitate that same program in every major US city.

Hagee’s entire operation is political, with the singular political agenda of supporting the evil Christ-murdering Jewish parasite. There is absolutely nothing spiritual, nothing of the sort you would be prone to expect from a man billed as a religious figure.

His religion is nothing but weird science-fiction gibberish about the alleged “End Times” prophecy (which was invented by Jews less that a hundred years ago but is now believed by most American protestant sects) and “give your money to Jews, vote for Jews, go to Israel and work on the farms of Jews.”

The replacement of the Christianity doctrine with Jew politics is the single greatest tragedy in the history of America, and these snakes responsible should be tried and executed for what can only be described as blasphemy and crimes against humanity.

Thankfully, Hagee is dead wrong about American support for the genocidal Jew state growing.  In fact, the opposite is happening here just like it is everywhere else in the world.  More and more, people are beginning to see the filthy Jew for what it is.

Daily Slave contributed to this report.