Slovakia Tells Merkel Eastern Europe is in Charge of the EU Now Somehow

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 3, 2016


Robert Fico is providing more circle-talk.

Slovakia is another one of these countries where the leadership talks a good talk about the EU, but still wants to remain in the EU to get all of the free money.


The EU’s future cannot be decided by just two or three powerful Western members, Slovakia’s prime minister said on Thursday, in a dig at France and Germany and a plea for more involvement by the bloc’s newer ex-communist members.

Prime Minister Robert Fico was speaking on the eve of taking over the rotating presidency of the European Union, which has been shaken to its core by Britain’s shock vote to leave. The other 27 EU leaders will meet in Bratislava in September to ponder the future.

“Crucial decisions about the future of Europe cannot be defined by two, three member states, or the founding states of the EU,” Fico told reporters.

Germany, France and Italy held three-way talks on Monday to consider the ‘Brexit’ vote. Two days earlier, the EU’s six founding members, also including Belgium, the Netherlands and Luxembourg, had held a meeting of foreign ministers.

“The future of the EU can no longer be defined without active involvement of the states that joined after 2004,” Fico said. The bulk of the post-2004 entrants are former communist nations from central and eastern Europe.

Hey bro.



The reason Germany and France decide the agenda is that they are the ones funding the project. It has nothing to do with when you joined, bro.

Greece joined in 1981. Do you see them dictating policy, bro?


Obviously, Mr. Fico is aware of this reality. Meaning his speech is totally disingenuous.

Who is he giving the speech for, then?

His own people. To make it look like he is standing up for them. Meanwhile, he’s taking the shekels, and his speech doesn’t mean anything at all in real life.

The only actual leverage Eastern European countries have is threatening to leave the EU. And none of them are doing it. The only country with a popular party that wants to leave the EU is Hungary – Jobbik wants to leave the EU.


But the Prime Minister of Hungary, Viktor Orban, has hijacked all of the rhetoric of Jobbik (minus stuff about the Jews, of course), and used it to argue that the EU is good, it just has bad leadership. The same thing that Fico is saying.

The EU as a concept is fundamentally bad.


Read about the Kalergi Plan.

That is, the idea of a European Superstate is fundamentally bad. Of course, that’s not what the EU was initially setup as – it was just a trading bloc. Officially, that’s what it was – behind the scenes, Jewish globalists were always planning the superstate.

When these Eastern countries begin taking measures to escape the EU, I will take what they say seriously. Until then, it’s just a lot of hot air.