Slovakian Gypsies Threaten to Rape English Schoolgirls, They Demand to be Bowed Down To

Steve Goode
White Genocide Project
February 14, 2016


English men have been patrolling the streets of Crewe, a town in Northern England, after “Roma” (Gypsy) immigrant children from Slovakia started a wave of attacks and threats.

Trouble started brewing at William Stanier school in the beginning of February.

Catherine Hollinshead, a parent, recalled that “girls were being dragged around by their hair, two girls had hair ripped out. Other children were thrown down three flights of stairs, one of whom suffered a broken arm. A teacher was head-butted.

The Slovakian boys threatened to rape the girls. Threats were put on the girls toilet wall saying ‘English will die’.

Police were called to intervene in a lunchtime fight between pupils, but both the police and the school headmaster (principal), Jason Fraser, have tried to downplay the violence.

A petition claims that “The Headmaster, Mr Fraser and various other authorities have tried to hide the truth of what actually happened.

Darren Powell, who has daughters at the school, said that the Gypsy pupils were “standing on tables and giving orders for English children to bow down as they run the school and that English girls will be raped by them…

He said that this provoked English children, and fighting broke out.

One girl was assaulted so badly she looked like she had been scalped others thrown down stairs beaten up while hundreds panicked and were running for safety.

Slovakian children had weapons that would cause severe injury while teachers locked themselves with some students in classrooms while one teacher was head butted another pregnant teacher feared for her and unborn.

I kept my daughters off as they were scared to return as they were threatened with assault and rape.

Sonia Ralphs, the mother of a student said: “It is not fair to put my son or other kids in danger and lying about it. I’m not happy at all as the Slovak kids parents’ were climbing over and our kids were outside it’s disgusting and they were saying you English kids bow down to us.


Gypsies are originally from India, and after nearly a thousand years of living in Europe, they are still radically different to native Europeans, and that’s not going to change.

Just as the Communist regimes failed to “assimilate” Gypsies into Eastern Europe, the Western governments will fail to “assimilate” Arabs and Africans into Western Europe.

Since around the 1970s, Western governments decided that it would be a good idea to get rid of the White majority and create a race-less society – and that’s the reason behind the open borders agenda.

The anti-Whites call it “diversity”, but the international law is very clear on what this is: deliberately trying to turn a group into the minority is genocide. This is White genocide.