Slut “Professor” Demands Infinity Dick Pics, for “Research Purposes”

Adrian Sol
Daily Stormer
June 28, 2018

Some speculate that women frequent dating sites exclusively to grow their collection of dick pics, which they refer to as “their stash” or “their hoard.”

Men started up this “science” business in order to make, like, nukes and flying cars and better video games and shit.

But then for some reason they started letting women get all up in our science.

Big mistake.

Now these skanks are blowing all the science money on dog fondling and dick pic studies. There’s literally no more cash for the flying car science.


Women are the absolute worst – demons in semi-human form.

The College Fix:

Does a larger penis mean more self esteem? One Missouri State University sociology professor is working to find that out and more, and in the name of science is asking men across America to send her pictures of their genitalia.

Professor Alicia Walker asks participants to voluntarily provide the measurements of their penis when erect and flaccid, as well as photographic evidence, in a research project that has been has been approved by the Missouri State University Institutional Review Board.

Why the hell are these sciency guys giving science money to this bitch for her nefarious dick pic collecting scheme?

Who even is this skank?

I see she’s doing the dog thing as well. Poor boy.

Okay, so first thing right off the bat. She’s clearly too ugly to get dick pics the regular way – by posting slutty pictures of herself on Tinder and Instagram.

So she had to come up with some kind of scam scheme – in this case involving embezzling thousands of dollars of perfectly good science money.

All for dick pics.


Second thing:

This is her book.

Her previous “work” (lol, I know, right?) involved interviewing cheating sluts and then writing a whole book glorifying them and justifying their actions.

So, like, not only is this bitch ugly as sin, but she also is widely advertising that she’ll cheat at the first opportunity and will feel absolutely no remorse.

Well, all women are like that, but most have the sense to keep it on the down low.

But my point is, no man would touch this creature with a ten-foot pole.

Is it any wonder she has a giant, gaping, dick-pic-shaped hole in her heart?

Do you think she gave even a moment’s thought to the flying cars that would never be invented because of her misappropriation of precious science resources?

No, and no.

“The purpose is to investigate how men feel about their bodies in a culture where we place emphasis on size, including size of penises,” Walker told The College Fix via email. “And to further look at how that impacts their tendency toward safe sex, relationships, and more.”

This is retarded. You don’t need a study to understand this issue. You just need to outlaw porn. If men can’t watch videos of men with gigantic ding dongs psychically cucking them over and over again, they won’t develop these stupid complexes.

Also, we can just go the ancient Greek way an put a bunch of statues everywhere of men with tiny penises.

Wow, I’m feeling better about myself already.

The point is, I’m sure these problems are real, but they’re engineered problems. Engineered by kikes, through their control over pornography and television.

So unless “professor” (lol, I know right?) Alicia Walker intends to take down the Jews, her study is a pointless waste of time.

The professor is using Reddit as a tool to spread word of her research project, and some of the platform’s users have incredulously questioned her about the need for what a few have termed “dick pics.”

“The photographs are only required for the survey portion,” is her reply. “This is because we ask for specific measurements of length and girth and to ensure data validity and uniform measurement we must ensure all participants are correctly using the bone press method.”

Volunteers are assured of privacy, but men can also be interviewed if they want to participate without sending photos: “The interview is a way for people to participate in the study in addition to the survey so we can get more open responses from them and learn more about how they feel, but it’s also a way to allow men who don’t want to share photographs of their penis to participate and be a part of our study if they’d like.”

Uh, is she saying that she’s “measuring” the interviewee’s junk in person if they don’t want to share pictures?


Anyway, this is all retarded.

Ultimately, it all comes down to this: if I had a small penis (I don’t, guys, honest, I need to walk around with a wheelbarrow in front of me), you know what would make me feel better about myself? A fucking flying car.

A flying car I’ll never have.

Because this stupid pointless dick pic study appropriated all the flying car money.