Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 14, 2015

Of course they want to shut down Halloween. They want to shut down everything that even resembles a cultural tradition in this country (and every White country). They will use whatever goofy reason they can think up. The reason itself is irrelevant, as we see here where the woman doesn’t even state a reason, just vaguely references “religious and cultural reasons” a 6-year-old wouldn’t want to dress up like a princess or a Superhero and get candy.
The school system in Milford, Connecticut announced Monday that it had reversed its cancellation of the annual Halloween costume parades at the city’s elementary schools.
The move followed an outcry from parents.
The district had canceled activities, saying it originally wanted to move the celebration to the evening so more parents could attend, according to a letter from Supt. Elizabeth Feser.
Feser said in the letter that the goal had been a celebration that would be inclusive of all children, including those who might not take part in the parade for religious or cultural reasons.
“The thinking behind this decision was that a family event in the early evening would enable all who wanted to be a part of a Halloween celebration to do so,” Feser wrote. “Meanwhile, children who for religious or cultural reasons would not take part, could easily, and without stigmatization, not attend the event.”
But Feser wrote in the letter that the controversy over the parade was becoming a distraction, and took some parents to task for accusing the district of trying to “ban” Halloween.
And here, get this.
Feser said the district believes the planned evening event that was to replace the parades would be “far more reflective of the values of the American culture in that ‘family’ and ‘children’ are being celebrated through a Halloween gathering.”
While the parades will continue on Friday, Oct. 30 “in an effort to move forward,” Feser wrote that she was not pleased with the parents who made a big deal of the issue.
“There are those who feel a 20 minute parade is more important, however, and its elimination is contributing to the demise of Milford as a city and Milford as a community, as well as the demise of the Milford Public Schools,” Feser said in the letter.
Feser sounds like a Jewish name, no?
Either way, it’s a woman trying to destroy something left over from the old days of patriarchal oppression. Surprise, surprise.

God Bless these people for fighting back. Small thing that it might seem to be, the sentiment behind it is massively symbolic.
I think there is much more fighting back to come. We’ve lost a lot of ground here, but it can be easily regained if we have the will. Our enemy is weak.