Smug Black Thug Learns His Fate After Gunning Down White School Girl During Indiscriminate Shooting Spree

April 23, 2015

Molly Conley was killed by the worthless Black thug during a three hour shooting spree.

The man who killed a 15-year-old girl while she walked down the street with her friends learned his fate Tuesday.

Erick Walker was sentenced to 90.75 years in the death of Molly Conley.

Prosecutors say Walker, of Marysville, went on a three-hour shooting spree, indiscriminately firing from his car and hitting homes in Lake Stevens and Marysville.

He was convicted of manslaughter in the shooting death of the Bishop Blanchet freshman as she walked along a road in Lake Stevens with friends on June 1, 2013.

He was also convicted of four counts of assault and five counts of drive-by shooting.

Walker, 28, had been charged with one count of first-degree murder. The jury was given the option to find him guilty of the far lesser charge of manslaughter.

Smug Black thug Erick Walker was given 90.75 years for the senseless crime.

In a packed courtoom, Molly Conley’s father, John Conley, stood before the judge.

“This whole thing has broken me. It has broken my family. This courtroom is brutal place. The fact that I’m standing with my back to a person with a blank stare, with the person who slaughtered my daughter, is really brutal,” said John Conley.

John Conley said he is haunted that he was home while his “youngest daughter was being slaughtered.”

Molly Conley’s mother, Susan Arksey, said her daughter took her life very seriously and studied hard.

Walker declined to make a statement during his sentencing hearing.

“Mr. Walker, this court considers you a terrorist,” the judge said. “It is the intention of this court that you spend the rest of your life in prison.”