Smug ISIS Bride Wants to Return and Have Baby in UK, Probably Will

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
February 15, 2018

There is no force on earth powerful enough to get between a brown person and their gibsmedats.


A British woman who ran away to Syria as a schoolgirl to join the Islamic State group has been told she could face prosecution if she returns home.

Shamima Begum, now 19 and pregnant, told the Times she had no regrets but wanted to have her baby in the UK.

Shamima’s logic: fuck the UK! GIBS ME DAT!

She said she had heard that Amira Abase, one of the two girls she fled to Syria with, was still alive.

Her father, Abase Hussen, broke down on hearing the news and appealed to the UK government to bring both women home.

In her interview, Ms Begum, who married an IS fighter, showed little remorse for her involvement with the terror group, saying she was not fazed by seeing “beheaded heads” in bins.

Brown people are more cowardly, but also less fazed by violence. They also have practically no empathy to speak of. This detail about her doesn’t surprise me at all.

This woman was on the other side, with the Iraqi army against ISIS. Didn’t matter.

“I don’t regret coming here,” she told Times journalist Anthony Loyd, who found her in the camp.

“The caliphate is over. There was so much oppression and corruption that I don’t think they deserved victory,” she said.

Strangely enough, this rings of truth. In general, edgy political movements of every single color and religious affiliation all have the same problem. Because the truth of the matter is that ideology, no matter how blood-thirsty, can only get you so far. Most radical movements set their sights really really high, and also think that being edgy is the only quality they need to succeed.

This is simply not the case.

And when the rank and file see the leaders acting poorly or if the movement suffers a major setback, then people lose motivation. Movements built on idealism are broken by the bad behavior of their leaders and by the not so ideal nitty-gritty realities of the struggle.

And because I understand this, my fledgling White Shinto movement/religion/sex cult will never fall through these same pitfalls.

“I just want to come home to have my child. I’ll do anything required just to be able to come home and live quietly with my child.”

But Mr Wallace said any Britons who had gone to Syria to engage or support terrorist activities should be prepared to be questioned, investigated and potentially prosecuted if they came back to the UK.

He said there was no consular assistance in Syria and insisted he would not be sending British officials there to rescue Ms Begum.

“I’m not putting at risk British people’s lives to go and look for terrorists or former terrorists in a failed state,” he told the BBC.

Bold statement, Mr. Wallace.

But I don’t think you’ll get your way on this one.

None of what you said will matter because wahmen, Jews, and the now powerful domestic Moslem lobby will always get their way. And the fact that the BBC is already writing this fluff piece about Shamiqwa or whatever the fuck her name is should tell you that the Defense Secretary’s days resisting this are numbered.

Oh and if Shanikwa decides to come out as a Feminist and a newly-liberated woman fleeing the oppression of radical Islamists who are in no way followers of the true peaceful ways of the Koran, well, it’s a done deal. 

There will be street protests to get her and her baby into the UK.

Lord Carlile, a former independent reviewer of terrorism legislation, said Ms Begum would have to be accepted back into the UK if she had not become a national of any other country.

Under international law, it is not possible to render a person stateless.

He said he thought it was unlikely she would be allowed to return quickly and expected that, if tried for any offences, she would be tried as an adult, he told BBC Radio 5 Live’s Emma Barnett.

Sir Peter Fahy, a retired senior police chief who led the Prevent terrorism prevention programme at the time the girls ran away, said he could understand why the government was “not particularly interested” in facilitating her return.

“If the woman was showing complete remorse, it would be completely different,” he told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme.

It would cost a “vast amount of money” and the biggest challenge would be for local police to keep her safe and ensure she did not become a lightning rod for both right-wing extremists and Islamic extremists, he added. 

Yeah well, we’ll just have to check in and see in a few months.

I’m pretty sure this “child” will make it into the UK just fine and deliver her future head-chopper baby and then help her new husband kidnap and pimp out White girls while pumping out 11 more little turds.


It occurs to me that I haven’t written one single solitary good word about the UK in like 8 months.

Clearly, this means that Nightmare Island has overtaken Sweden and we just haven’t noticed yet.