Smug Kike Bill Maher Admonished by Moral Authority Ice Cube for Saying the Nigger Word

Goy Orbison
Daily Stormer
June 14, 2017

When I was growing up, rap music had already become entrenched in mainstream American pop culture. By the time I started listening to Top 40 radio, songs by rappers like DMX and Jay-Z wouldn’t be out of place when featured alongside pop hits by young, over-sexualized singers like Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera and whiny, angsty rock music by groups like Papa Roach and Linkin Park. Personally I believe this music was all purposely designed to program the youth consuming it by giving dindus the idea that they were all invincible tough-guy thug players, young white women the idea that they should all be sluts and young white men the idea that the best way to deal with their general frustration with the world was to whine like a faggot, dye your hair and commit suicide.

While blacks were listening to music telling them how cool they were, here’s what white kids were listening to when I was a kid.

If young whites still had a desire to be masculine, the only acceptable way would be to ape the behavior of blacks like Limp Bizkit and Eminem would.

“Okay we got the rap and the clothes down. Now all we need is sickle-cell and bad credit and finally we’ll be cool like those black guys!”

Basically, Negroes had begun to be presented as the peak of masculinity and coolness, with the Jewish media’s constant presentation of rappers as “the man.” Their songs told tales of ass-kicking, making money, living outside the law, getting laid constantly and just not caring what people think. From all the hype they’ve been given in the media, you’d think they really were the unshakable tough guys they present themselves as.

But there’s one problem – the word “nigger.” It reawy reawy scawy. It hurts fee fees. And even real-azz thug nigguhs that make a living writing songs about murder and being a badass can be sensitive when it comes to such hurtful language.

>tfw you just gang-raped and murdered a white woman and someone calls you a moon-cricket

About a week ago, the blacks experienced their own Holocaust when Jewish talk show host Bill Maher jokingly referred to himself as a “house nigger.”

Such a word entering the ears of jigaboos will trigger them and their fragile sensibilities, as it reminds them of the 400 gorillion years of slavery…after they wuz kangz an Egyptians an shiieeet, of course.

How they went from proud nubian kangz to antique farm equipment is a mystery for the ages.

After a campaign of his fellow chosenites running cover for him, it seems like the yids over at Hebrew Box Office thought the best course of action was to trot out some blacks to lambast Maher for his “white privilege” and his insensitivity towards the Basketball-American community.

Enter Ice Cube, America’s foremost expert on racial sensitivity.

He resorts to the typical black refrain: “It’s our word.”

No, nigger. It’s OUR word ABOUT you.

Just because you people are hardwired for crime and steal everything in sight doesn’t mean it belongs to you now. Much like with the We Wuz Kangz narrative, blacks think things like words and knowledge are like material objects that can be stolen from someone.

The reason this monkey was there was quite ironic as well.


His appearance on the show coincided with the 25th anniversary re-release of his most potent sociopolitical treatise, 1991’s Death Certificate. Dressed in black and wearing the signature scowl that characterized his raucous entrée into rap, Cube wasted no time mincing words with Maher.

As someone who grew up listening to rap, I found it hilarious that this uppity monkey would be lambasting anyone about being racist. This album referred to above is when Ice Cube took a detour from being a gangsta rapper into flirting with the Nation of Islam.

“If only I knew how to read.”

As such, he basically made the same vulgar music, only now he directs more anger specifically to whites and others and pretends he’s some righteous political thinker. The album has a song called Black Korea, which the baboon who wrote the NPR article calls a “pointed racial critique”:

Everytime I wanna go get a fuckin brew
I gotta go down to the store with the two
oriental one-penny countin motherfuckers
that make a nigga made enough to cause a little ruckus

Who can fathom the depths of such a great mind?

He also took shots at his old manager Jerry (((Heller))), who he called a “white Jew,” which apparently caused the record execs to give him a talking to. On his next album, his opening song contained the verse:

They said I could sing like a Jaybird
But nigga, don’t say the J-word

Whites are still fair game of course, as these lines are preceded by:

Call me nigga, bigot and a spook
But you the one that voted for Duke, motherfucker
White man, is somethin I tried to study
But I got my hands bloody, yeah

Wow, such a pointed racial critique.

His next album went even further with the anti-white hatred (I mean, brilliant sociopolitical analysis) that he even had a whole song dedicated to white women called “Cave Bitch” along with the song “Enemy,” which featured this gem:

Now I change my style up, my style up, bodies pile up
Just to trouble you, throwin out the W
Sent me a subpoena
Cause I kill more crackas then Bosnia, Herze – govina

We live in clown world; a world where Jews like Maher have “white privilege” and where niggers who make songs about killing white people can lecture us on racial diplomacy. Thanks, but if I want to hear a rapper’s “pointed racial critiques,” it’ll be through a text-to-speech program.