Smug Remorseless Black Thug Gets 56 Years for Shooting White Cop in the Face

April 28, 2014

The Black thug shot him straight in the face. Amazingly, doctors were able to remove the bullet from inside his skull and he was eventually able to go back to work.

Frederick Gray appeared smug, showing no remorse as he was sentenced to life in prison plus 52 years for shooting Wilmington Police Officer Justin Wilkers in the face, nearly killing him.

Wilkers’ did not speak to media after the sentencing. But he addressed Gray in court. His victim impact statement was brief, saying, “Every morning when you wake up in that cage, remember that you lost this fight, and we all won.”

Wilmington Police are satisfied with the sentencing.

“Frederick Gray has proven to be a violent and dangerous person with no regard for human life or the rule of law,” said Corporal Mark Ivey, spokesman for Wilmington Police.

Gray has been given 52 years for the shooting.

Ivey agrees with Wilkers’ statement in court that “we all won.”

“An assault on a police officer is an attack on every civilized, peaceful person in the State of Delaware, and so this isn’t just a victory for Officer Wilkers, it’s a victory for all of us,” said Ivey.

Prosecutors had also asked that Gray spend every February 3rd -the anniversary of Wilker’s shooting–in solitary confinement so he could not celebrate, but a judge ignored that request.

Still, Prosecutor Matt Frawley says Judge Scott’s sentencing sends a strong message.

“Anybody who ever decides to harm a police officer in the State of Delaware, the state will do anything it possibly can to make sure that person spends the rest of their life in jail,” Frawley said.

There were two other accessories to the crime.

Prosecutor Joe Grubb remembers Gray well. He prosecuted Gray in a trial as an adult for a gun crime when he was just 16. Gray, now 22, has been in and out of the criminal justice system ever since.

Gray was arrested after these two.

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