Snake Who Tried to Flim-Flam the Zim-Zam Gets Twenty Years

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
October 17, 2016


Twenty years, you smarmy little twerp! Let this be a message to all who believe they can flim-flam the unflimable one.

A sickening snake tried to flim-flam the Zim-Zam, apparently as revenge for Trayvon Martin.

But like all who go against Zim-Zam, he has gone down in flames.

NY Daily News:

The Florida man who fired a gunshot at perpetual menace George Zimmerman was sentenced to 20 years in prison Monday for attempted murder.

Matthew Apperson, 37, had testified that he shot in self-defense during a road rage incident with Zimmerman last year. He said Zimmerman’s intimidating reputation — especially for his fatal shooting of Trayvon Martin — made him fear for his life.


This guy got so scared just looking at Zim-Zam he thought his doom was upon him!

He was right!

But a Seminole County jury convicted Apperson last month of attempted second-degree murder, as well as shooting into an occupied vehicle and aggravated assault.

Apperson’s wife told Circuit Judge Debra S. Nelson her husband faced an unfair punishment — while Zimmerman remains free to wreak havoc.

She said authorities gave Zimmerman “a golden ticket to go out and do whatever he wants to do,” according to the Orlando Sentinel.

Apperson was even denied bond while he files an appeal, because he was arrested for public urination when he was out on bond last year.

What a scumbag!

He pisses on the streets that Zim-Zam cleans the filth from!

Justice for Trayvon Martin

Clean-up in aisle Tray-Tray!


Zimmerman and Apperson both accused each other of beginning a confrontation and car chase in May 2015.

Zimmerman testified that he never whipped out a weapon, but that Apperson was shooting to kill without provocation. He said Apperson appeared to be glad when he believed his shot hit and killed Zimmerman.

“The crux here is Mr. Apperson’s blatant disregard for my life, any life,” Zimmerman told the judge Monday.

The bullet missed Zimmerman but shattered a passenger-side window in his car.

Apperson said he and Zimmerman had another road rage confrontation in 2014, but neither pressed charges.

Twenty years is Florida’s mandatory minimum sentence for shooting at another person with a gun.

There will be no revenge for Tray-Tray.

In fact, when we win, we’re going to dig-up Tray-Tray’s corpse and deport it to Liberia where it belongs.





The world needs more men of the caliber of George Zimmerman.

He is Batman-tier.