Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
September 30, 2014

Connecticut police have arrested state Rep. Christina “Tita” Ayala (D-Bridgeport) on 19 voting fraud charges. The State Attorney’s Office has stated in a press release that Ayala, who is some type of Mestizo Negress, allegedly voted in local and state elections in districts where she does not reside.
Ayala also stands accused of fabricating evidence given to investigators with the state Election Enforcement Commission, providing an fake address to explain her voting in places where she doesn’t live, the arrest warrant states.
Ayala allegedly voted in various Bridgeport Democratic Town Committee elections, a municipal primary election and a state primary election between 2009 and 2012 in districts inconsistent with the location of her residence, according to the release. She is also accused of voting in the Bridgeport state general election in 2012 in a district where she didn’t live.
According to the Connecticut Post, Ayala’s mother, Santa, was also investigated by the Elections Enforcement Commission. The commission also recommended criminal charges be filed against Santa Ayala, the Democratic registrar of voters in Bridgeport, but none have been filed as of Friday.
Christina Ayala was charged with eight counts of fraudulent voting, 10 counts of primary or enrollment violations and one count of tampering with or fabricating physical evidence.
Ayala may face decades in prison, if she is convicted on several of these charges, which each carry up to a five year sentence.
The presumed Negress has previously been charged in a hit-and-run accident, and charged with domestic violence for beating up her boyfriend. Following these charges, she was allowed to remain in government because she is Black.
I think this sneaky woman should probably contact Rand Paul, White leader of the Black revolution, and see if he can bully the state with charges of racism to get her released. Paul, the libertarian son of Ron Paul, dedicated friend of the Jew people and hero of Alex Jones, has previously stated that any investigations into voter fraud represent racist oppression of Blacks.