Sniveling Cuckold Paul Ryan Attacks Our President Over Russia

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 9, 2017

We’ve got to get this guy the hell out of our government.

It is unsafe, allowing this sort of twisted weirdo a platform to spew his insane gibberish.


House Speaker Paul Ryan believes President Donald Trump’s attempt to mend relations with Russia is understandable yet doomed to fail.

“What the President is trying to do is not unlike what the past two presidents did with Russia. I just don’t think it’s going to work,” Ryan told PBS in an interview aired Wednesday. “New administrations do this.”

Ryan said Trump’s eagerness to work with the Kremlin was “logical” — pointing to efforts by both the George W. Bush and Barack Obama White Houses to similarly soothe tensions — but ultimately misguided.

Ryan, like much of the GOP, has long adopted a hawkish stance toward Russia and its president, Vladimir Putin. Trump has upended that orthodoxy, arguing that the US and Russia could find agreement on ways to combat ISIS.

Where do Russian and American interests conflict, Ryan, you rat fink?

There is no single example. Just as there is no single example of a shared interest between Israel and America.

Russian and American interest overlap:

  • ISIS/Syria – check
  • Destablization and collapse of the EU – check
  • White nations for white people, a white counter-balance to rising Asia – check
  • Defense of traditional Western values – check
  • Science and outer space and crap – check
  • Economics – check

Conflict with Russia is a made-up thing, mainly the result of having a foreign policy dictated to us by the Jews who have an atavistic hatred for Russians.

Cuck Ryan is simply a shill, pushing the Jewish narrative over our President’s pro-American narrative.

Remember – this is the guy who wants to flood America with ISIS because “it’s who we are.”