Snoop Dogg Puts Trump Death Threat on Album Cover

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 2, 2017

Snoop Dogg has released a cover for his new album “Make America Crip Again.” It features the Negroid rapper standing over the corpse of Donald Trump, who is draped in a Confederate flag.

Clearly, this is a type of death threat from the aging hip-hopper.

Of course, the reasoning as to why he is allowed to do this tends to be “well, no one actually thinks he’s going to kill the President.”

But that isn’t the point. The goal here is to create a climate in America where people want to kill the President. All of these people using this Presidential assassination imagery are knowingly trying to create a situation where the President is killed by a random person that they have influenced.

We see it everywhere.

And even if Snoop is not seriously making a credible threat, just imagine this: what if Anthrax featured a corpse of Obama on an album cover?

Or no wait not Anthrax, that’s a stupid example – Ted Nugent.

If Ted Nugent featured a corpse of Obama on an album cover, what would happen?

Something would happen. I can tell you that.

It’s time to ban black people and Jews.