So are These Florida Gun Control Kids Crisis Actors or What?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 21, 2018

So the crisis actor conspiracy theory genre is one I always found to be totally kooky and not cool.

That genre of theory went something like this: all mass shootings are fake hoaxes staged with actors, and no one actually dies.

However, with this Florida situation, a new type of crisis actor theory is emerging, one which makes much more sense and at least appears to be backed up by data: that is, that these teenagers, in particular Emma Gonzalez and David Hogg, are either not from the school at all and were brought in after the shooting to pretend to be students, or, more plausibly, were chosen from the school and coached to play the role of actors running a movement to strip Americans of guns.

Right now, they are claiming that these teenagers are planning a massive march on Washington, by themselves, from their parents’ living rooms. So I mean, this is bullshit, it’s just a matter of what degree of bullshit.

To be clear, I do believe that the shooting itself was real and I think that kooky stuff about a fake shooting simply makes the real thing that is going on here look stupid. The people promoting the idea that the shooting itself is fake are doing so in order to make it so anyone who questions this narrative can be dismissed as a kook. Don’t go there.

A local government official claimed yesterday that the kids were actors bussed in to perform for the cameras.

He’s a normal guy. Not a theorist.

Tampa Bay Times:

Benjamin Kelly referred to a picture attached to a Times story, posted online hours earlier, about how Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School students were drawing attacks for their outspokenness. The picture showed David Hogg and Emma Gonzalez speaking on CNN.

Asked for backup to his claim, Kelly sent another email — again from his official account — that included a link to a conspiracy video on YouTube. The video showed Hogg in a news clip from California over a dispute with a lifeguard involving a boogie board. Hogg had posted a video of the confrontation with the lifeguard on YouTube and it “went viral,” a news reporter said. Now, conspiracy theorists have questioned what Hogg was doing in another state, some branding him a “crisis actor.”

Wrote Kelly to the Times: “There is a clip on you tube that shows Mr. Hogg out in California. (I guess he transferred?)”

He has since been fired.

Seems harsh.

He just asking questions that a lot of people are asking.

The kids themselves have felt a need to go online and confirm that they are not actors.

David Hogg is the son of an FBI agent – just an interesting little factoid.

Here is a video of him being coached on what to say for the cameras. He keeps forgetting his lines.

Here he is on video in California, being a drama queen about a boogie board.

That video is only 6 months old.

When did he move from California? That is unclear.

He was also the head of the school news team, apparently.

The blonde one had also done some kind of internship with CNN.

Hogg is now doing a media tour explaining that he is not a crisis actor.


David Hogg has become a strong voice among survivors of the mass shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High.

The attention has given him a powerful platform — but it has also made him the subject of smear campaigns and demonstrably false conspiracy theories.

Either he has been “coached” by his father, a former FBI agent; or he is a “pawn” for anti-gun campaigners; or, the most far-fetched, he is not a victim but a “crisis actor,” paid to travel to disaster sites to argue against stricter gun laws.

“I’m not a crisis actor,” Hogg told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on AC360 on Tuesday. “I’m someone who had to witness this and live through this and I continue to be having to do that.”

“I’m not acting on anybody’s behalf,” the 17-year-old added.

Crisis actor or not – we still don’t really know what that term means – he’s definitely acting on someone’s behalf.

The idea that these kids are planning all of this themselves is just retarded on the face of it. I don’t think that anyone genuinely believes that.

Former Congressman Jack Kingston went on CNN about this and was like “yo are you joking, no one believes this shit.”

Of course the always wrong/never relevant asshole Little Marco is out there shilling for these brats.

Always believe the opposite of what that guy says.

And Just IF We do Want to Get a Little Bit Kooky…

Once again, I don’t do the kook stuff.

But I’m just going to post these.

Two separate clips of students apparently saying that some “they” told them there was going to be a shooting drill.

So, I mean – take that as you will.

Either way, “planned shooting hoax for gun control” is a bad narrative, even if it’s true. Tbh.

I’m just reporting the facts here.

Most Likely Situation

The most likely thing that has happened, in my view, is that this shooting happened, various lobbies were ready to use it for their own purposes, they picked out the kids who were best suited to play the roles they needed them to play and got them together and coached them for the show we are now witnessing play out across television.

It obviously could be something weirder than that. The Jews are extremely desperate right now, and basically willing to do whatever. BUT PLEASE – let’s not go crazy with conspiracy stuff. Let’s focus on the basics of what is happening here first. These basics are weird enough.

The New York Times has a big article up this morning “debunking” this story and nothing is debunked. They don’t even attempt to debunk anything, they just say “wow just wow.” And if the NYT doesn’t have a narrative, there is no narrative.

“Crisis actor” in the sense of “feds rush in to find kids to play roles and read scripts” is a perfectly reasonable narrative, and one which can be exposed. Again: these kids are not themselves planning a massive march on Washington. That is retarded. Someone is engineering this situation.

Remember what happened with Pizzagate, when we had real stuff that was really super weird and then people took it into kookland and the whole thing fell apart.

Let’s stay grounded and try to make sense of this.