So Cute, So Clever: Der Spiegel Cover Features Trump Beheading the Statue of Liberty

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 5, 2017

Germany, a country at war with its own population, has seen fit to attack Trump for defending his people.

Because of course, all countries must be at war with their own population. Or the game just doesn’t work.

That’s why the West is continually trying to destroy Russia.

Fox News:

The magazine Der Spiegel has ignited controversy in Germany and elsewhere with a cover illustration that depicts President Trump as an ISIS executioner, brandishing a bloody knife in one hand and the head of Lady Liberty in the other, Reuters reports.

The outlandish cover for the Feb. 4 edition, which includes the caption “America First,” generated debate on Twitter and in German and international media with Alexander Graf Lamsdorff, a member of German’s Free Democrats and vice president of the European Parliament labeling it “tasteless,” according to Reuters.

The artist behind the illustration is Cuban-born Edel Rodriguez who came to the U.S. as a political refugee in 1980, The Washington Post reported.

“It’s a beheading of democracy, a beheading of a sacred symbol,” Rodriguez told the paper in defending the illustration. “And clearly, lately, what’s associated with beheadings is ISIS, so there’s a comparison” between the ISIS extremist group and Trump.

“Both sides are extremists, so I’m just making a comparison between them,” he said.

The cover accompanies a story on the Trump administration and White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, according to the Washington Times.

Reuters reported that the cover follows a series of attacks on Berlin’s policies by Trump and his aides, marking a rapid deterioration in German relations with the United States.

It is absolutely infuriating to see these filthy kikes and cucks trying to use our nations symbols to destroy our nation.

It is bad enough to simply attack the core of the nation using basic Jewish communism. But when they try to claim that they represent the values of this nation – and will use them to destroy it – it sends me into a rage.

The Statue of Liberty does not represent Islam.

The Statue of Liberty does not represent Islam.

The Statue of Liberty does not represent Islam.

The suggestion of this is absolutely insane.

It also doesn’t represent “democracy.”

It represents freedom and the will of the people. Hence, “Liberty.”


Donald Trump represents us.

We are the people.

Foreign hordes are not the people and they have no right to steal our home from us.

This is our home.

We live here.

If the Germans have decided to destroy their own country, to displace their own native population with a violent, evil mob of feral apes, that is their decision.

But America isn’t doing it.

We are keeping our homeland.

Deal with your own shit, Germany.

And stay the hell out of our business.