So Flynn was Colluding with Israel for Jared Kushner. Huh.

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2017

Unsurprisingly, the discovery of collusion with a foreign government has been with Israel, the Israeli agent being Jared Kushner.

Flynn was asking Russia for a favor on behalf of Kushner for Israel.

But that’s allowed, so no problem.

I guess we’ll just stop talking about it.

Flynn still has to suffer though. Because he’s a goy – and all goy must suffer for everything they do. Even for helping Israel.


Media hysteria over alleged Russian collusion continues, even as President Donald Trump’s short-lived national security adviser, Gen. Michael Flynn, pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about speaking with Russian officials to advance Israeli interests.

On Friday, Flynn pleaded guilty to lying to federal investigators twice during an interview with the FBI in January, according to a signed Statement of Offense.

An indictment released by the office of special prosecutor Robert Mueller says that Flynn spoke with Sergey Kislyak, then-Russian Ambassador to the United States, twice in December, when Trump was president-elect.

While Flynn’s plea does not show any direct evidence that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia to influence the election, it does show that they might have colluded with an entirely different foreign government to undermine the foreign policy of a sitting president.

On December 22, 2016, Flynn contacted Kislyak to ask if Russia would delay or defeat a UN Security Council vote criticizing Israeli settlements. UN Resolution 2334 demanded that Israel “immediately and completely cease all settlement activities in the occupied Palestinian territory, including East Jerusalem” and said that the settlements established by Israel have “no legal validity and constitutes a flagrant violation under international law.”

In December, a senior Israeli official told CNN that his country reached out to the Trump campaign after it failed to persuade the Obama administration to veto the resolution.

The officials said that Israel “implored the White House not to go ahead and told them that if they did, we would have no choice but to reach out to President-elect Trump.”

The day after the resolution was submitted, the Justice Department said that “a very senior member of the Presidential Transition Team” directed Flynn to contact “several foreign governments, including Russia,” in order to “learn where each government stood on the resolution and to influence those governments to delay the vote or defeat the resolution.”


On Friday, a Trump transition official told Buzzfeed that Jared Kushner, Trump’s senior advisor and son-in-law, was the one who ordered Flynn to make the calls.

“Jared called Flynn and told him you need to get on the phone to every member of the Security Council and tell them to delay the vote,” the official told Buzzfeed.

Flynn also contacted the US missions of Uruguay and Malaysia, while Kushner contacted the British ambassador to the United States in the hours before the vote, two diplomats familiar with the conversations told Reuters.

Kushner reportedly told Flynn that “this was a top priority for the president.”

President Kushner he meant.

The Jewish President of the Jewish United States.

Surely if it was a top priority of the White American President of the White American United States, he would have been directly involved with it instead of sending his snakelike Jewish son-in-law.

However, Newsweek reported Saturday that Kushner failed to disclose his role as co-director of the Charles and Seryl Kushner Foundation between 2006 and 2015, during which time it funded an illegal Israeli settlement. This could have been seen as a conflict of interest in his appointment as the Trump advisor tasked with bringing peace to the Middle East.

On Sunday, Kushner conducted an interview with Haim Saban, a prominent Clinton Foundation donor, who thanked him for “taking steps to try and get the United Nation Security Council to not go along with what ended up being an abstention by the US against a 50-year-old tradition.”

“To be honest with you, as far as I know there’s nothing illegal there,” Saban said. “But I think that this crowd and myself want to thank you for making that effort, so thank you very much.”


It’s just.

It’s just depressing that the media is able to bury this stuff.

I’m quoting RT here because they’re basically the only one laying it out like this.

Then you get the Jew-4-Jew media, and headlines like this:

Of course, I’m not even going to ask you to consider what would happen if a major American paper printed a headline like: “Michael Flynn Was Right To ‘Collude’ With Russia — Because He Did It For the White Race.”

If you look-up Kushner in the goy media right now – during this biggest break in the entire year-long Russia drama – you get headlines like this:

Jews are allowed to openly proclaim their interests over the interests of the people they live with, they are allowed to openly not hold themselves to their own rules. They are allowed to control and manipulate the entire planet while somehow claiming to be a victim group because of a nonsensical fantasy about millions of them being made into furniture and cleaning products 70 years ago.

This is a completely deranged situation – Jews search for a year to find someone involved in collusion and then – “WE FOUND A TOP TRUMP OFFICIAL INVOLVED IN COLLUSION – EXCEPT IT’S WITH US LOL WHOOPS JUST BURY THAT PART AND MAKE IT SOUND LIKE IT’S GOYIM STUFF.”

But Then the Good News

The good news is that Kushner is just going to have to leave.

I don’t think he’s going to suffer any real consequences, because the people trying to inflict consequences on the Trump Team are all Jews. But for Flynn to be prosecuted effectively for doing something Kushner asked him to do (yes, it’s technically the supposed lie to the FBI he’s being prosecuted for, but the FBI wouldn’t even have asked him the question if it wasn’t for the Jewish witch hunt, and he wouldn’t have needed to lie if it wasn’t for Kushner’s request of him) – this is the kind of thing that destroys your political career, whether the media reports on it or not.

It’s just too extreme of a situation for him to just stick around.

He’s also going to be under much more heavy scrutiny by Mueller, simply because there is only so far you can push the “JUST AVOID ANYONE WHO IS JEWISH AND LET THEM COMMIT CRIMES” plan.

I think we’re going to see a resignation before Christmas, at which point Mueller will have an excuse to stop looking into him, and it will be easier to bury the fact that Jews are now investigating themselves and punishing the goyim for things they did.

Oh and the other good news – this has nothing at all to do with Trump. Even if Trump told Jared Kushner to tell Flynn to help Israel – and I very seriously doubt that happened – they’re not going to go down that road.

Flynn was also the last “big card” of the Mueller witch hunt.

So now I guess we can go back to talking about Trump’s tax returns.

Oh or Trump University. Let’s do that one again.