So I Figured Out That Mike Thernovich Thing…

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 31, 2016

Loren Feldman

So I wrote an article about Thernovich a couple days ago, and sort of implied that it was a bad business move he had made by attacking the Alt-Right.

The running theory is that he believes talking about Jews will “hurt his brand,” but even if he believes that (it may or may not be true), that still doesn’t explain attacking people who do talk about Jews.

I mean, he came out and made that huge thing of calling Richard Spencer a secret agent for saying “Hail Victory.” He brought in Paul Joseph Watson and everything. The logical thing to do in that situation would have been to remain silent. If someone asked him about it, he could have just been like “yeah, I don’t support that.”

Then he threw Baked Alaska out of his own party for like two light-weight Jew tweets. In that situation, he could easily have been cool – instead of irate – and said hey man, please don’t go full “gas the kikes” until after the party. Baked Alaska seems like a pretty reasonable guy, he probably would have respected that. Then after the party, they could have parted ways. Instead he created a crisis, where pretty much the entire internet is calling him a crooked shill.

Attacking all of these people has damaged his brand more than associating with a bunch of anime Nazis who want to gas kikes in fake shower rooms.

So, why?

Well, some people claim it’s because he is himself Jewish. I went through this in my article. We don’t know if he’s Jewish. But he has tweeted about Jewish control of the media and about white genocide in the past, so even if he is Jewish, he didn’t used to be uncomfortable talking about Jews.

Enter Loren Feldman.

This is the guy who produced his movie “Silenced” – which, ironically, is about free speech.

He is the Jew behind the curtain. Just like Alex Jones has his Jew Rob Jacobson and Gavin McInnes has his Jew Ezra Levant.

And look at this kike Feldman.

These are just his recent tweets.

wow just wow.




Thanks to Hunter over at Occidental Dissent for collecting these tweets.

This is a doozy.

By the way, Thernovich is now literally selling blue pills. He says they’re nootropics.

I’m serious.