Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 20, 2015

The Black Lives Matter movement has no goals or demands, which is ridiculous, but what they are able to do – very surprisingly – is actually get together in the same place and whine in unison.
They have this ability because they are not being run by Blacks.
An investigative blogger has accused Shaun King, a key figure in the Black Lives Matter movement, of misleading media icon Oprah Winfrey by pretending to be biracial in order to qualify for an “Oprah scholarship” to historically black Morehouse College. The blogger says King is white and has been lying about his ethnicity for years.
King is a high-profile campaigner against “police brutality” and “justice correspondent” for the liberal Daily Kos website who told Rebel magazine in 2012 that he was biracial, with the magazine reporting that he is the “son of a Caucasian mother and an African-American father.” He has also described himself as “mixed with a black family” on Twitter.
King has been lionised by the press, praised as hero of civil rights and social activism. He has written extensively about a childhood in which he was terrorised by “decades old racial tensions.” He claims to have been “the focus of constant abuse of the resident rednecks of my school.”
Yet, in recent weeks, rumours have been circulating about his ethnicity. A 1995 police incident report lists Shaun King’s ethnicity as white. And blogger Vicki Pate, who has been assembling forensic accounts of Shaun King’s background and family tree on her blog, “Re-NewsIt!,” has published her findings.
She claims that King is entirely white and says a birth certificate, which Breitbart has since independently acquired from the Kentucky Office of Vital Statistics, names a white man as his father.
King’s case echoes that of Rachel Dolezal, a civil rights activist from Washington who claimed to be biracial while in fact being of caucasian origin. Dolezal continues to insist she “identifies as black,” despite her parents revealing that she is entirely white.
I don’t think this is as bad as Dolezal, who is obviously 100% White, but the guy is hardly Black by any normal standards. He looks like a Puerto Rican or something. Probably 70-80% White.

The fact that Blacks are too stupid to run their own revolutionary organizations really says a lot.
As if we needed a lot to be said.
We already knew it was Jew Soros funding the whole thing.
This entire situation is just Jews using these people as a battering ram against White America.