So I Guess We Should Bomb Tunisia Now?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
July 15, 2016


Thus far, the solution to terrorism in Western countries has been to bomb foreign countries, rather than deal with the Moslems living among us that are actually committing the attacks.

Because dealing with the Moslems doing the attacks would be racist.

The Islamic gentleman who attacked France last night was from Tunisia, however, which we have not bombed.

Daily Mail:

The killer, named locally as French Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a married father of three, mounted pavements at high speed and ploughed through crowds celebrating Bastille Day in Nice last night.

One eyewitness filmed armed officers approaching the cab of the lorry and firing repeatedly through its windscreen and doors before it appears Bouhlel can be heard screaming after being hit by a police bullet.

The shootout came after his 30 minute rampage where he aimed at crowds watching fireworks and sent ‘bodies flying like bowling pins’ and left others ‘jammed’ under the lorry’s wheels at around 10.30pm local time last night.

Witness Nadar El Shafei told the BBC: ‘He died inside the vehicle – I saw his head [hanging] out of the window , they kept shooting him from all sides just to be sure. Then they asked us to run away in case there were others inside the car or a bomb.’

Heartbroken men and women refused to leave the bodies of their loved ones and the dead remain strewn across the famous Promenade des Anglais today. Hundreds have now laid flowers in their memory as President Hollande said ‘many foreigners have died’ with at least 50 more people are ‘between life and death’.

French citizens, two Americans, one Armenian and one Ukrainian are among the dead with several Britons among the injured while dozens of panicked people have posted images of loved-ones still missing using the hashtags #Nice06 and #recherchenice.

At least ten of the victims were children, with young girls and boys lying dead covered in a blankets with their dolls and buggies still next to them. Footage taken at the time of the attack shows bodies piled up in the roads and people running from their lives as they tried to avoid the zig-zagging lorry while paramedics treated the injured and dying in the street.

The truck driver, who was known to police, was said to have shouted ‘Allahu Akbar’ – God is great in Arabic – before being killed in a clear suicide mission. Pro-ISIS groups have been celebrating the attack, orchestrated to coincide with France’s most important national holiday.

So I guess we should start bombing Tunisia?

Or maybe we need to do more domestic spying?

Or here – get this – maybe we need a peace march, where we all hold hands and “stand in solidarity”?

Or maybe we shouldn’t do anything?

Maybe we should just #PrayForNice?