Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 27, 2015

Given the controversy and my interest in controversies, I made a point to watch American Sniper. I will here give my thoughts on this film and the controversy surrounding it.
Firstly, it must be said that the film is an artistic masterpiece, in every way. The cinematography is beautiful, the acting superb and the narrative structure riveting. It is no surprise that it was nominated for all these Oscars, as it would have been clearly political if the Academy had stubbed it; they would have looked ridiculous.
But that isn’t really the issue we are concerned with. Many films and other types of art have been well-done and promoted Jew agendas.

Currently, the drama in the public spectacle factory (the media) is a disagreement about the character of Chris Kyle, and the war itself. Republicans are praising the man as a hero and blah blah blah saving the freedoms, while liberals are calling it a pro-war film which celebrates a man who admittedly enjoyed killing Arabs who he said were savages he hated.
Meanwhile, Nazis in the comments section of the leading Nazi News site The Daily Stormer are conflicted, some taking either position, but with more siding against the film than with it.
Firstly, I think it is important for people to see the film before they draw conclusions. Of course, as a reactionary, you see Bill Maher and Seth Rogan calling it fascist and Nazi and you’re like “well, must be okay,” then you see Sean Hannity and John McCain saying “no he’s a hero he saved freedom from Iraqis who were going to invade us” and you’re like “well, this is some type of heavy Jewing going on here from all angles.”
And on the scene of the current “culture war” narrative surrounding the blockbuster film, I would have to agree that it is all a massive Jewing. Neither the position of “this film is about an evil White man who was a total psychopath killing the innocents” nor “yeah freedom gotta stop those Arabs and help the only democracy in the Middle East” are good positions to hold.

But there is something more going on here than that forced narrative.
It is not a political film. It is a biopic, about a strong-willed, masculine and principled White man who did what he thought was right and didn’t apologize. That is why it is powerful. There is no political message at all, not even an ideological one. I would argue that the thing that people are identifying with in the film is the identity of the character of Chris Kyle, not the idea of fighting Moslems to save Israel.
Of course the war was a completely Jewed-up debacle. But expecting the soldiers involved in that war to have figured all that out is ridiculous. How were they supposed to know? By watching Michael Moore’s films? Chris Kyle believed he was fighting a real enemy, he showed up and a bunch of savage Arabs were trying to kill him and his dudes, so he killed them mercilessly and had no regrets.

The idea that every soldier who went and fought these wars was a “bad person” – something I have seen people saying – is simply dumb. The idea that it is some horrible thing that the guy actually enjoyed the war is also dumb. Soldiers do what they are told to do, that is the job of soldiers, and Kyle did it very well, courageously and proudly. At least in the film, which is what we are talking about here.
The idea of a film which didn’t have a sympathetic Moslem character and had a White hero who was masculine and determined is what the Jews whining about the film hate. They don’t care about dead Arabs, they’re the ones who launched the war. Conversely, the “conservative” political figures coming out and endorsing the film don’t care about the human story, and instead want to make the film political and a justification for these Jew wars.
Ultimately, the narrative in the Jew media surrounding this film is so stupid, I would have to agree with the anti-Snipers that its total effect is probably negative. However, the film itself there is nothing wrong with because no judgements are drawn. I watched it just waiting for political messaging, but it doesn’t exist. It is just about a guy who did what he thought was right based on limited knowledge.
So it’s unfortunate that the public narrative is what it is, because I don’t think that is what people are really thinking after they see the film. I mean, maybe they go away thinking Moslems are savages, but they are, are they not? They don’t go away thinking “yeah, that Iraq war was great, we should do more of them.” But then John McCain tells them to view it that way.
My final verdict is that the film is innocent and fantastic, but as with everything innocent and fantastic, it is being twisted to serve a Jew agenda.
But go see it. It’s worth $9.
NOTE: Please do not comment without reading the entire article
I am a bit shocked by the comments section, with many people arguing against something I did not say, some even apparently suggesting I support the Iraq war (?) – I’ve not only condemned the war but stated that the results of the film have been negative. So, please read the whole thing before responding. I might well be wrong, and it is impossible for anyone to fight in a war for Jews and not be evil, but also consider that this means the grandfathers of our American and British readers would all be men much more evil than Chris Kyle, not only fighting an insane war for Jews but killing other European people and ultimately causing the death of the greatest leader who ever lived.
Also, those who don’t want to spend nine dollars on this movie can check bittorrent.