So Um, Japan is Arguing for War with North Korea

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
March 8, 2017

As this situation intensifies, the question of who killed Kim-Jong Nam becomes of greater and greater importance. Because that’s triggered this whole thing.

Instead of trying to figure that out, the world is allowing the corrupt Malaysian cops to deal with it. While Japan calls for launching arming up for a war against a country with nuclear weapons.


Rattled by North Korean military advances, influential Japanese lawmakers are pushing harder for Japan to develop the ability to strike preemptively at the missile facilities of its nuclear-armed neighbor.

Japan has so far avoided taking the controversial and costly step of acquiring bombers or weapons such as cruise missiles with enough range to strike other countries, relying instead on its U.S. ally to take the fight to its enemies.

But the growing threat posed by Pyongyang, including Monday’s simultaneous launch of four rockets, is adding weight to an argument that aiming for the archer rather than his arrows is a more effective defense.

“If bombers attacked us or warships bombarded us, we would fire back. Striking a country lobbing missiles at us is no different,” said Itsunori Onodera, a former defense minister who heads a ruling Liberal Democratic Party committee looking at how Japan can defend against the North Korean missile threat. “Technology has advanced and the nature of conflict has changed.”

It’s possible that the Japs are just using this as an excuse for armament, which I guess I respect. Same time, NK did launch missiles into their waters, and they’re saying that that is a reason to bomb them.

China, on the other hand, is calling for talks.


China warned Wednesday that North Korea and the United States were like two trains racing towards a “head-on collision,” calling on both sides to apply the brakes and avert a security crisis.

Foreign Minister Wang Yi’s warning came after a cascade of events that has sent regional tensions soaring, including provocative North Korean missile tests and annual US-South Korean wargames that infuriate Pyongyang.

Beijing itself is particularly concerned over an American missile-defence system being rolled out in South Korea as a shield against the North Korean threat, but which Wang said also “undermines China’s strategic security.”

He called on North Korea to suspend its nuclear and missile activities in exchange for the US and South Korea halting the military exercises.

“The two sides are like two accelerating trains coming toward each other with neither side willing to give way,” Wang said at a press conference on the sidelines of China’s annual parliament session.

“The question is: are the two sides really ready for a head-on collision? Our priority now is to flash the red light and apply the brakes on both trains.”

Pyongyang blasted at least four missiles toward Japan on Monday, three of which splashed down in waters within Japan’s Exclusive Economic Zone, saying they were tests for a possible strike on US bases in Japan.

Wang said China’s proposal could help bring the US and North Korea back to negotiations on ending Pyongyang’s weapons programmes.

Trump needs to open up talks.

I feel very, very strongly about this.

I don’t even know that it was his idea to send these missile systems to South Korea. I think it probably wasn’t.

This could all be some huge setup against him. I mean, Kim Jong-Un says the CIA killed Kim Jong-Nam. They claim to have intelligence to that effect. Of course, they could be lying, but that story makes a whole helluva lot more sense than Jong-Un having done it.

And that would be the same deep state that Trump is currently in a war with creating an international nuclear crisis in Trump’s first 100 days.

The problem is that Trump is under-siege at home by (((domestic enemies))), and hasn’t created a well-oiled enough machine to be able to easily dispatch reliable people to deal with this crisis – due in large part to the blockade of his confirmations.

I don’t want to get all tinfoil here, but this is an extremely suspicious situation.