So What is the Deal with This Bill and This Wall?

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
February 16, 2019

So, along with signing the declaration of a national emergency on Friday, President Trump also signed an omnibus spending bill that is at least as bad as the last omnibus spending bill, which was insane.

This bill was introduced less than 24 hours before it was signed, and it is over 1,100 pages long. Meaning that no one read it before signing it. Most of all not Donald Trump, who only gets information from TV news and wouldn’t be able to understand this dense legal text any more than you or I.

Here’s the full text of the bill, if you want to go skim through it.

There is some confusion about what exactly this bill actually says and means.

You can go read about it and listen to what people are saying about it and get completely different information. Literally. Totally different explanations as to what is in it.

This is how Jewish our legal system is: you don’t even know what laws say, it’s over a thousand pages of dense legalese and in order to understand it you have to look at references of dense legalese, and when you try to get someone to explain it to you, everyone says something different.

This is not an Anglo-Saxon or any kind of European tradition, this concept of making laws incomprehensible to a normal person.

The US Constitution

Ben Shapiro’s Talmud Collection

It is absolutely criminal that our government is allowed to sign laws that a normal person cannot understand and is unable to get a summary of.

What mandate do these people have? 

Would even the hordes of anti-Trump women be opposed to a law that says the government has to explain what their laws say?

I covered yesterday what Breitbart and Queen Ann were saying about it. Both have upheld their positions against this bill, although Breitbart had less to say about it today.

But basically, the claim from them and others is that the bill makes it illegal for Trump to build a wall along most of the border, and that the emergency declaration can’t override that. Along with that, there are other apocalyptic provisions, such as banning the deportation of anyone who claims to be the parent of an illegal child migrant, limiting the number of detentions, and others.

But today I listened to the podcaster Jazzhands McFeels talking about this, and he says it’s all fine and Ann and Breitbart are exaggerating or lying. He said that the emergency declaration overrides the spending bill, and that actually, the spending bill only says that the $1.3 billion allocated by that bill can’t be used to build wall in most of these places.

He is right that in section 231, it says “None of the funds made available by this Act or prior Acts are available for the construction of pedestrian fencing” in the banned areas. So maybe the national emergency money is not blocked?

I absolutely do not know, and I’m not going to pretend to know.

On the issue of “sponsors” – that is, someone who claims to be the parent or guardian of an illegal child – not being subject to deportation, it uses different wording, saying in section 224: “None of the funds provided by this Act or any other Act … may be used by the Secretary of Homeland Security to place in detention, remove, refer for a decision whether to initiate removal proceedings, or initiate removal proceedings against a sponsor, potential sponsor, or member of a household of a sponsor or potential sponsor of an unaccompanied alien child.”

So that basically does mean that no one even related to an illegal child can be deported – ever.

That doesn’t relate to the building of a wall, of course, but it does make one wonder – even if we are going to get a wall – whether or not trading a wall for no one related to an illegal child ever being deported is worth it.

Basically, the wall is going to take years to build even if it is going to get built – and even with the national emergency, Trump is saying he only has $8 billion, which is only about 20% of a wall. So these people could simply start flooding across the border, with this law saying they can never be deported.

Deportations are more important than border security of any kind, in my view. We never had a wall before and we weren’t buried in Mexicans. The reason we are buried in Mexicans now is that George W. Bush stopped enforcing immigration law and started allowing illegals to work and receive benefits.

Jazzhands didn’t really go over that part, but just said something about how maybe it is related to the practice of arresting parents when they come to pick up their kids.

However, that doesn’t appear to me to be true. What it appears to be is a form of de facto amnesty for child migrants and all of their relatives, which is going to lead to a flood.

And it will not matter if we’ve started building a wall. That will be deckchairs on the Titanic.

Those are the only two interesting takes I’ve seen – the Breitbart/Coulter mexipocalypse take, and the Jazzhands “sunshine, lollipops and rainbows” take.

Probably Doesn’t Even Matter

Trump is already getting sued over this national emergency declaration. They started suing him hours after he signed it.

They are focusing in on him saying during the announcement “I didn’t need to do this.” I have no idea why he said that, but what a stupid thing to say.

By the way – just so you understand – Trump has already declared three national emergencies before this one:

  1. National emergency about the alleged Rohinga genocide in Burma
  2. National emergency about the alleged Russian memes on Facebook
  3. National emergency about the alleged new president of Venezuela

Not one of those things has anything to do with anything in my life, and arguably, none of them are even real, let alone crises.

But not one of those was questioned by any Jewish judge. And probably, you didn’t even know he signed those.

The reason Trump didn’t declare a national emergency earlier was that if he could get the wall built through congress, a judge wouldn’t be able to block him on it.

I guess the best case scenario is that this goes quickly to the Supreme Court and they allow Trump to use the $8 billion to get started with this… bollard fencing.

That’s the other thing.

It still isn’t an actual wall.

It looks like this:

For reference, this is the wall the Jews have:

And do you know who the guardian of that wall is?

Chuck Schumer.

He is the guardian of the Jew wall.

Yahweh made him so.

Man, I Don’t Know

Pretty much, we’re just going to have to wait and see.

One thing Jazzhands said that I agree with is that this talk of “do you or don’t you support Trump????” is completely pointless and retarded. It makes absolutely no difference if you do or don’t support Trump. It doesn’t change the reality of what is happening. And it shouldn’t change what you are doing in your life.

You can be upset with Trump. I am. You can even hate him. I’m not really at that level and still am very thankful for all the good he’s done, but whatever. It doesn’t matter either way. You supporting him or not supporting him has no effect on anything. All we are able to do is sit and watch this unfold. Yes, we can use the internet to spread a message as to what we think about Trump… but honestly, with the social media and comments sections shutdown, even that doesn’t really mean very much.

In my view, people should try not to get overly emotional about this. You should be living your life the same with Trump in charge as you would with a Democrat in charge. No one ever thought that Trump was going to solve all of our problems. So we need to push forward with our agenda either way.