Social Media Suppression of FBI’s Re-Opening of Clinton Email Server Investigation

Daily Stormer
October 31, 2016

It must be getting really hard for the Clinton Cabal to find relevant proxies to defend them in the media who aren’t either involved in the Hillary/Huma/Weiner fiasco up to their necks already, and/or are under indictment themselves. I mean, they’ve rolled out Kucinich? Seriously?

But, as Maria Bartiromo so accurately pointed out in the above clip, the Clinton racketeers have had no trouble whatsoever finding accomplices willing to carry their polluted water for them.

Zero Hedge:

 Social Media Blackout? FBI Emails Are Not ‘Trending’ On Twitter, Facebook, Buzzfeed, Or Snapchat

They are not known as ‘weapons of mass distraction’ for nothing…


In the 24 hours since FBI Director Comey dropped perhaps the biggest bombshell of the entire Presidential campaign, sending Democrats (and media) scrambling headless-chicken-like for answers (and blame-scaping), does anyone else find it odd that ‘FBI Emails’ does not appear to be a hot topic, trending, big deal on any social media?



h/t @CharlieKrik11

Facebook… “Trending”


h/t @MichaelDuncan

Twitter…”Top Moments”


h/t @kierobar

Buzzfeed… “Trending Now”


There it is. Just a few days from the election, with a new scandal unlike any ever seen during a U.S. presidential race, and look at the nonsense that’s trending.

It’s long been known that Twitter manipulates what hashtags and stories trend there. This is confirmation that not only is Twitter doing it, they’re all doing it.

We’re all supposed to believe that whatever is being talked about most is what trends on social media, since the main driver of social media is it’s mass of users, but this clearly isn’t the case. Those of us who have kept an eye on these trends over the years have always noted that if the trends were actually based on ground-up, grassroots movements, terms like #WhiteGenocide and #OpenBordersForIsrael would be perpetually trending. There are so many others that should, by the numbers, have had their time in the sun as well. #DukeForSenate is the perfect example.


Who do these uppity goyim think they are?

So basically, we’re operating under the same system as most of us have had to deal with our entire lives. The media presumes to spin it’s own narratives, now social media goes along in lock-step, and we’re expected to swallow it whole.

But there’s a big difference this time: The internet has given us all access to the full spectrum of news and information, and they can’t control the entire internet (at least not yet).

Can you imagine how different things will be when Glorious Leader wins this election by a landslide and all these vermin are forced out into the sunlight?


Stormers, keep the good word alive on all your social media. Do it for The Leader!