Social Media Whoring Can Get You Free Organs Now

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 26, 2018

So, I know it’s being sold as a nice feel-good story.

But does anyone else find this kinda fuckered up and weird?

Fox News:

A New Jersey man with a creative approach to finding a kidney donor unexpectedly got the help he needed from a stranger across the country, Pix 11 reported.

Rob Leibowitz, 60, a single dad with five kids, said he acted “out of desperation” when he decided to put his plea on a t-shirt and wear it during his family trip to Disney World in August.

The man’s out-of-the-box idea worked and he received a new kidney on Thursday, Pix 11 said.

The t-shirt that made it all happen, which Leibowitz reportedly donned for nine days in a row, read, “In Need of Kidney O Positive” along with a telephone number.

“You know, I came up with idea because I think it’s out of desperation,” Leibowitz told Pix 11. “I look at my kids. When I’m with my kids, all my problems go away and I needed more time with them.”

On the trip, other park-goers caught a photo of his shirt and posted it on Facebook, according to the outlet. Leibowitz said he “was in shock” from all the calls he received.

Eventually, a potential donor with a matching blood type reached out, Pix 11 said.

Richie Sully from Indiana said a friend sent him the post about Leibowitz while he was giving blood for those affected by Hurricane Harvey. Sully reportedly left a voice mail offering up his kidney.

“Hi, my name is Richie. I saw your post,” the message said. “I have an extra kidney. I’m O-positive. You’re more than welcome to have it.”

The guy appears to be Jewish.

And asking strangers to give you their organs for free on the internet is most certainly a Jewish-type behavior.