Socialist Ken Livingstone: “It’s Not Anti-Semitic to Hate the Jews of Israel”

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 1, 2019

A look into the mind of a socialist.


Former London Mayor Ken Livingstone called allegations of anti-Semitism in the Labour Party “lies and smears” to bring down party leader Jeremy Corbyn and that it is “not anti-Semitic to hate the Jews of Israel.”

Nine Labour lawmakers quit the party last month over its failure to tackle the problem of hatred toward Jews among party supporters and leaders.

Livingstone was suspended by the Labour Party in 2016 and quit last year over comments about Hitler and Zionism. He told a meeting of Labour Against The Witchhunt last week, according to the Sunday Mail, that: “This is endemic. If you have a genuine socialist leader who is going to transform things for ordinary people and make the bloody corporations pay their fair share of tax – they will do whatever is necessary to stop you…”

“That means lies and smears in most of the West. In other parts of the world it can mean assassination,” the Sunday Mail reported Livingstone as saying.

Livingstone said that Corbyn’s office did not support his suspension from the party in 2016, after he said that Hitler supported Zionism. He also asserted that he was suspended because the press had spread “lie after lie after lie” about what he said.

“It’s not anti-Semitic to hate the Jews of Israel and you can’t have a proper functioning democracy in a world in which the media, whether it’s the press or internet, can just spread lie after lie after lie,” he said at the meeting, according to the Mail.

Speaking in April 2016, Livingstone said: “When Hitler won his election in 1932, his policy then was that Jews should be moved to Israel. He was supporting Zionism before he went mad and ended up killing six million Jews.”

Of course, Livingstone is totally wrong.

The Jews of Israel are our allies, and they are fighting the Islamic extremists in Palestinian villages who will soon be digging tunnels under YOUR HOUSE if we don’t help the Israelis stop them in Israel.

The SOCIALIST Jews are another matter.

Livingstone is himself a socialist, so he has it in the reverse. He wants you to hate the Jews that are actually our allies, the ones that Donald Trump supports who are keeping Hamas from launching their rockets into middle America.

This is basic expansion theory, which you can read about on any Trump-supporting Reddit thread: the reason we have to send these billions to Israel is that it is the last threshold of democracy in the Islamic world, and if we don’t stop them there, soon enough they’ll be over here.

Just imagine you’re going for a stroll, and all of the sudden your dog gets hit with a Hamas rocket and its body explodes and sprays all over your children.

Do you want that to happen?

If not, we need to cast aside SOCIALISM and continue to support Donald Trump and Theresa May so that Israel has what it needs to stop a full-on Islamic invasion.