Sodomite Freak Elton John Lectures Russians on Morality

Daily Stormer
December 7, 2013

He looks like a good authority on gender and sexuality.
He looks like a good authority on gender and sexuality.

Sodomite Elton John used his concert last night in Moscow to attack Russia’s recent attempt to restore public decency and morality by banning homosexual propaganda.  During the performance John stated:

I am deeply saddened and shocked over the current legislation that is now in place against the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) community here in Russia. In my opinion, it is inhumane and it is isolating.

I love this country. I want to show them and the world that I care, and that I don’t believe in isolating people. Harmony is what makes a happy family and a strong society. The spirit we share tonight is what builds a future of equality, love and compassion – for my children and for your children.

For those of you who were not aware, Elton John is indeed a “father” and is concerned about the future of his “family”.

The new normal.
The new normal.

Prior to John’s appearance in Russia, there had been some controversy as to whether any of his statements might possibly violate Russian law, and it remains to be seen what the official response to his comments will be.  But regardless of the outcome of this particular incident, we cannot commend strongly enough the Russian effort to promote the traditional family and piety.

If the Russians aren’t stopped, this may become a more and more common sight.
If it weren't for the evil Christian patriarchy, these women could be liberated and join Femen.
If it weren’t for the evil Christian patriarchy, these women could be liberated and join Femen, or maybe even P*ssy Riot.

God bless the Russian people, and may they prevail against the forces of evil and degeneracy.