Somalian Whore Politician Lies About Racist Taxi Driver

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 8, 2016


Okay, so that headline I just wrote.

Do I know she’s lying?

No, I don’t.

What I know is that there is no evidence.

And the mainstream media is reporting that it happened because she said it happened. They are not saying “she claims” in these headlines, they are just taking her word as fact (to be fair, some outlets are making it clear in the headline it’s something she said, but if you skim Google news, most of them are reporting it as fact in the headline – and even those that say “she says” don’t point out that historically, these claims are almost always lies, and she had no evidence). And it is much, much more likely that it didn’t happen than that it did.

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And I say this completely impartially. I’m not some cuck faggot who’s like “oh, but we’re not really racists in this country!!!!” In fact, if this turns out to be true, I will be very happy. I would love it if Somalians couldn’t walk around without being insulted on the street.

But history has shown that when brown people and Jews make these claims, they’re pretty much always lying. So it is utterly ridiculous to report it as fact.

Washington Post:

After Ilhan Omar moved to the United States in the mid-1990s — fleeing war in her native Somalia and a childhood spent in a refugee camp — she went to high school in Minneapolis, and was occasionally bullied for wearing a hijab, her father wrote.

Through decades of community activism and civic leadership, Omar fought back against such forms of intolerance. And on Election Day, proudly wearing her headscarf, she made history— winning a Minnesota statehouse race to become the nation’s first Somali American lawmaker.

But less than one month later, as she visited the nation’s capital for policy training at the White House, her historic role didn’t stop a cab driver from targeting her for her religion. Riding in a taxi en route to her hotel Tuesday, after having spent the afternoon at the White House, she “became subjected to the most hateful, derogatory, islamophobic, sexist taunts and threats” she had ever experienced, she wrote in a post on social media.

“The cab driver called me ISIS and threatened to remove my hijab,” she wrote. “I wasn’t really sure how this encounter would end as I attempted to rush out of his cab and retrieve my belongs.”

In a response to a question on her Facebook post, she said she had not yet reported the encounter, since the cab driver knew the hotel where she was staying and she didn’t “feel safe enough to say anything at the moment.” She said she planned to report it to the authorities once she returned home safely to Minneapolis.

She wrote that she is still shaken by the incident and couldn’t wrap her head around how “bold” people were becoming in targeting Muslims.

“I pray for his humanity and for all those who harbor hate in their hearts,” Omar wrote.

The BBC, which was slightly more objective than WaPo (though not in the headline) adds some interesting details:

Washington DC’s Metropolitan Police Department told the BBC it was not aware of having received any complaint about the incident.“At this time, no report could be located with the name you provided,” said Officer Hugh Carew.

Responding to an inquiry on her Facebook page, Ms Omar said she would report the incident once she returned to Minneapolis, noting she did not feel safe as the driver knew where she was staying.

Ms Omar declined to provide more details because “she wants to focus her time in DC attending the trainings, conferences and meetings she has scheduled over the next few days”, a spokesperson told the Minnesota Star Tribune.


She’s worried the taxi driver is going to come and take revenge on her!

Come on, now.

Washington Post is fake news. The paper is collapsing in on itself. They just don’t understand that they have entered an age where they claims can and will be questioned.

I doubt Omar will be pressed too hard on this. She just won’t report it, and the story will go away.

It’s not like the situations where these Moslems have told police they were attacked and then been questioned about it and had their stories fall apart.

The SPLC’s reports on post-election hate crimes have turned out to be a complete hoax. In their numbers of thousands of crimes, they included things such as saying “build a wall.” It was also revealed that they purposefully covered-up all the anti-white attacks by “minorities” that were reported to them during their research.

It is so totally insane that these people are slaughtering us on the streets and we are then attacked for calling them mean names – and in actual fact, that isn’t even happening.

If they’re not happy with our country and the people in it, then what in the hell are they doing here?