Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 25, 2017

Oh ye of little faith.

You thought Trump would kike us?

Has anyone ever been as wrong as you.


President Donald Trump is expected to announce several executive orders Wednesday dealing with visas and refugees, a congressional source told CNN.

The orders, which make good on a series of immigration campaign promises Trump made, are expected to include restrictions on refugees, and people with some visas from countries including Iraq, Iran, Syria, Yemen, Sudan, Somalia and Libya.

Trump is expected to sign the executive orders at the Department of Homeland Security Wednesday, a source told CNN, as part of a multi-day roll out on immigration. The source said the refugee/national security executive orders are expected Wednesday, with immigration and sanctuary cities expected Thursday. The source said the sequencing is not finalized, and the details of the timing could change.

As the reader is aware, I am from Columbus, Ohio, the number two spot for Somalians in America. I watched these “people” turn places I remember as a child playing with my brother and sister into filthy African wasteland.

So I’m really feeling a lot of different emotions right now. I feel ecstatic joy. I feel admiration for our GLORIOUS LEADER. I feel shame for having doubted him. I feel sadness at the loss my city has suffered. I feel rage at the people who allowed the home I knew as a child to be ravaged by these disgusting animals when they could have just as easily said “Somalians? uh, yeah, no – they’re totally banned.”

But most of all?

I’m feeling comfy, fam.

And also, I feel like crying.

God bless you, Donald Trump.

May you never die.