Some Dumb Thing in Yemen, Saudi Bombing Dudes Again

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
December 5, 2017

Stupid Middle East thing happening.

Washington Post:

Heavy airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition pounded Yemen’s capital overnight, targeting Sanaa’s densely populated neighborhoods in apparent retaliation for the killing of the former Yemeni president by the country’s Shiite rebels, residents said.

The body of ex-President Ali Abdullah Saleh, which had appeared in a video by the militias with a gaping head wound, was taken to the city’s military rebel-controlled hospital but it was not immediately clear if the rebels would allow Saleh’s family to hold a funeral later in the day.

The gruesome images from the previous day sent shockwaves among Saleh’s followers — a grisly end recalling that of his contemporary, Libya’s Moammar Gadhafi, in 2011.

Saleh’s son Salah said on Facebook on Tuesday that he won’t receive condolences for his father’s death until “after avenging the blood” of the longtime strongman. Salah also urged his father’s followers to fight their former allies, the Shiite rebels known as Houthis.

From Cairo, Arab League chief Ahmed Aboul-Gheit issued a statement Tuesday denouncing Saleh’s “assassination” at the hands of “criminal militias,” and warned Yemen’s situation could explode further and worsen humanitarian crisis. The League spokesman, Mahmoud Afifi, quoted Aboul-Gheit as saying the international community should label the Houthis a “terrorist” organization.

What all of this stuff happening following the end of the Syrian war shows you – if we break this down to a toddler’s level – is that there are people who want conflict in the Middle East, and will do anything to keep it going.

These people are what are known as “Jews,” most commonly referred to as “kikes.”

You have this Shiite v. Sunni thing, but the only reason that exists is because the Jews have propped up the dumbest bunch of retards, given them a bunch of weapons and white Instagram pussy, and made allies of them. Otherwise, Shiites would naturally have dominated the Middle East following the collapse of the Ottoman Empire, because Shiites tend to be genetically superior.