Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 8, 2014

On Tuesday, “millennials” didn’t bother to vote, single White women voted less Democratic than normally, and 65% of White males voted Republican, the largest percentage since 1984.
The AP offers us some other interesting facts.
Only a third of people cared enough to vote at all
Michael McDonald, an associate professor at the University of Florida, estimates that about 37 percent of eligible voters cast a ballot in the midterm elections. If that projection holds, it would be the lowest turnout since 1942. With Americans busy fighting a war, the level dropped to 34 percent.
In 2010, the last midterm election, the turnout was about 41 percent of eligible voters, McDonald said.
Colored people still don’t care about voting Republican
The coalition behind Republican Senate candidates was predominantly white, 90 percent across all 21 states with Senate races that were exit polled, ranging from 79 percent white Alaska to 98 percent white in West Virginia. Dan Sullivan in Alaska managed to pool the most diverse electorate with a strong showing among Alaska natives, and more than 10 percent of those backing both John Cornyn in Texas and Cory Gardner in Colorado were Hispanic.
The situation is this:
If it was only White men who were allowed to vote, we wouldn’t have any of these problems. The Jews have manipulated White women into voting against their own interests, and made certain that the interests of colored people are against the interests of White people.
That isn’t to say the Republican party is great, but it is women and Jews who have destroyed it, and if it wasn’t for them, it would be great.
Another thing:
The Republican strategy of trying to appeal to colored people – Black and brown – is so idiotic it is virtually incomprehensible. They claim they must do this, because the country is getting darker, but their strategy should instead be to stop the darkening of the country.
No matter how many speeches Rand Paul gives to Negroes about how they need lower taxes in Detroit, they are going to vote for whoever gives them the most free things, which will always be Democrats. No matter how pro-immigration the GOP gets, immigrants are always going to vote for the whoever gives them the most free things, which will always be Democrats.
If Obama succeeds in granting amnesty to these six trillion illegals, we are going to have a one party system which exists solely to displace, disenfranchise and ultimately destroy the White Male.
But that will be good for us. When it is finally made crystal clear what is going on here in our country, our people will finally begin to rally around our radical agenda.