Daily Stormer
December 29, 2014

Shockingly, one of the Sony emails released contained a racist dialog about the statistical fact that international audiences are not interested in watching our obsolete farm equipment run around on the screen for two hours.
They’d rather see a real human like Nicolas Cage.
One unnamed producer wrote in a leaked email to Sony’s Chairman, Michael Lynton, that black actors should not be cast in leading roles in major films because foreign audiences won’t like it, implying that they are the ones that are racist, so therefore Sony and presumably other American studios should just go along with that.
“I believe that the international motion picture audience is racist — in general pictures with an African American lead don’t play well overseas. When Sony made ‘Equalizer’ they had to know that Denzel opens pics domestically, however the international gross would be somewhat limited,” the producer wrote.
Lynton, to his credit, wrote back asking if the producer was suggesting that blacks should simply be excluded based on that logic. The producer answered that he was not suggesting such but was pointing out that if Sony chooses to cast black actors then they should do so knowing that they are limiting the box office potential.
lol @ “are you saying we should make a business decision based on the amount of profit involved rather than social justice? As a Jew I am conflicted.”