‘Sore-Loser’ Diversity Special

Daily Stormer
July 18, 2014

Detectives would like to question this chimp after a gaming machine was criminally damaged in William Hill in Kilburn.

Brent Police are appealing for people’s help in identifying various ‘enrichers’ who have been smashing up gambling shops and attacking the staff, when they lose their bets.

As soon as they realized that their winning streak had failed them, the primates started throwing the sort of chimp tantrums that most White people are only familiar with seeing at the zoo.

Doors have been smashed up and furniture hurled at the keepers, along with attempts to damage the machines when they stop paying out beer tokens.

If you see one of these creatures do not engage with them in any way, but keep walking to your destination and phone Brent Police on 101 or Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

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This baboon is being sought after racial abuse was hurled at a worker in William Hill in Neasden.
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This macaw monkey is wanted after a stool was thrown at staff in Ladbrokes in High Road, Harlesden
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Police would like to speak to this orang-utang after a door was kicked in at William Hill in Cricklewood.