Soulless Apeman Murders 90-Year-Old Veteran of Three Wars, Assaults His Wife

Darius Jamar Travick.

This man was a veteran of World War II, Korea and Vietnam, the great-grandfather of sixteen and the great-great-grandfather of six.

Yet, in the end, he met an ignoble death at the hands of a worthless 75 IQ monkoid.

That’s diversity for you.

I suspect the coon will get a reduced sentence, too, since he’s already got the “mentally ill” excuse in the bag.

(Even though the only “illness” he appears to suffer from is his own blackness.)

Ledger Enquirer:

A judge has set bonds for the mentally ill man accused of randomly attacking an elderly Columbus couple in late September – punching the 89-year-old wife unconscious and fatally stabbing her 90-year-old husband before fighting a 69-year-old neighbor outside their Victoria Drive home.

Darius Jamar Travick, 27, is charged with murder and two counts of aggravated assault in the Sept. 24 death of John Dawson, the attack on Dawson’s wife, and the assault on the neighbor.

Police at Travick’s preliminary hearing Sept. 28 said Dawson’s wife told them her husband had come inside after doing yard work that morning and sat down to have a cup of coffee, while she folded sheets in a laundry room off their carport.

When she came back inside, she found a big man with a “crazy look” on his face standing in her kitchen, she told detectives.

He hit her, and she fell. When she came to, she went through the house looking for her husband, and couldn’t find him, police said.

When officers arresting Travick outside the house heard he had come from the Dawson’s home, one walked over to investigate.

At a side door, he saw a bloody, broken paring knife. Calling out to anyone inside, he went in and found Dawson dead on the living room floor, stab wounds to his torso and left ear. Hearing a woman call from the rear of the house, the officer discovered Dawson’s wife in a bedroom, apparently in shock: She had a concussion, a black eye and swelling where Travick hit her, police said.

The couple had been married 72 years.

John and Virginia Dawson.