South Africa: Four Kaffirs Shoot, Rob White Farmer

These older white farmers seldom seem prepared for attacks, even though they literally happen every week.

At least get a guard dog or something ffs.

South Africa Today:

Chris van Wyk, who is 50 plus years old, was shot on his farm near Cullinan on Friday, 21 December 2018, and the bullet struck his right femur bone. He is very lucky that the bullet did not struck a main artery because he was alone when he was shot and lay on the ground where he fell for a long time before he was found.

Chris arrived on his farm Jakkalsdans around 19:30 on Friday 21 December 2018. Chris saw that something was not right because two cases of champagne were standing outside. He then entered by the backdoor and when he went out the front door he was shot.

The four black male attackers then kicked and hit Chris on the ground and threatened him that they will shoot him if he don’t hand over his bank cards and PIN. The attackers then fled with Chris’s Pajero bakkie which was full of groceries. They also took his laptop and cell phones.

The wounded farmer tried to crawl to the house but could not. He was found around 00:30 when his wife arrived home. She arrived together with the neighbours. Chris’s wife’s mother also stays on the farm in a separate house and her house was also plundered. Luckily she was not at home.