South Africa: Gang of Kaffirs Kill Elderly White Woman During Vorstershoop Farm Attack

Gesina and Pierre Bruwer.

There have been an insane number of farm attacks in South Africa this week.

We’re talking 3-4 attacks per day, most of them violent but non-fatal.

This one, however, proved fatal.

South Africa Today:

A farm murder took place in Vorstershoop, North West Province on 1 February 2019. An elderly female, Gesina Bruwer was found by her husband Pierre Bruwer (70) when he returned to the farm house after attending to his livestock. The attack took place at about 08:00. Gesina was found with a bullet wound to her head.

The farmers vehicle, a FJ CRUISER, Brown in colour Reg: JNS498NW was also robbed during the attack. Suspects are presumed armed and dangerous.