South Africa: Jakob Zuma Goes to Trial for Acting Like a Black Person

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
April 6, 2018

This is the problem you’re going to have if you have a country that is run by blacks.

They cannot help but behave in an irredeemably corrupt manner.


South Africa’s ex-President Jacob Zuma appeared in a Durban court Friday to face multiple corruption charges relating to a billion-dollar arms deal in the late 1990s.

It’s a dramatic U-turn for Zuma, who just weeks ago held the highest office in the land. He resigned on February 14, forced out by the leadership of the ruling African National Congress, his own party.

Thousands of people turned out to support Zuma as he arrived at the high court for his first hearing. They had been asked not to wear ANC colors, but many wore wraps and T-shirts with the former president’s image.

Some supporters sang as Zuma entered the courtroom. He turned, smiling, to acknowledge them.

The former President is charged with 16 counts of corruption, money laundering and racketeering, stemming from the billion-dollar government arms deal. He is accused of receiving 783 questionable payments in connection with the deal.

Zuma, who has always said he wanted his day in court, denies any wrongdoing.


He a good boy.

This goes into the problem of it being impossible for blacks to have any sort of heroes. Because any black who is given any amount of power will be just as corrupt as the amount of power that he has.

It has now been exposed that Martin Luther King was both a plagiarist and a serial adulterer who had days-long orgies with hookers using church money. But they can’t strip him of his status as the ultimate paragon of morality – let alone strip him of his doctorate, which is ALWAYS done in cases of plagiarism – because there is no one to replace him with.

It’s a similar story with the first head of the ANC in South Africa, Nelson Mandela, who was a communist terrorist responsible for bombings. He also did the “necklacing” torture-execution thing where you put a tire around a person’s neck and light it on fire. But they just glaze over that because he has to remain a hero.

Because who else is there?

The blacks don’t have any heroes because they can’t have any heroes because the nature of blackness is so antithetical to the concept of heroism.

Even their minor celebrities turn out to be scumbags.

Bill Cosby, who was celebrated for his ability to act like a white person, recently went down as a serial rapist.

Who else is left?

Is there any black public figure who is not a piece of shit?

I can only think of one:

And he may be a great man… but is he great enough to represent 2.5 billion complete pieces of shit?