South Africa: Pack of Negroes Stab White Farmer, Flee After His Daughter Opens Fire on Them

Obligatory reminder: Jews want to disarm white people so that we can’t do what this daughter did when the niggers came for her family.

They literally read these kinds of stories and think: “This should not have happened. She should not have been able to defend herself like that.”

But no – you’re the evil and hateful one.

Not them.

South Africa Today:

A farm attack took place in Ogies in the Mpumalanga province of South Africa, on 17 March 2019. It was reported by Ploegskaar Boshoff on social media that the police, the SAPS K9 unit, farmers and a helicopter are searching for attackers who stabbed a local farmer. The farmer was attacked at his gate and his daughter opened fire on the attackers causing them to flee into the farm lands.

The tracks of these savages were followed up to the tar road.

There is no other information available at this stage and there have been no arrests.