South Africa: Pack of Savage Kaffirs Break Boer Couple’s Bones with Iron Rods

At least this attack had a positive outcome: the two Boers survived, while one of their attackers shot himself after being cornered!

I admit that surprised me.

Normally, these nogs go down guns blazing, like that chimp who acquired his first AK-47.

South Africa Today:

A violent farm attack took place on 31 December 2018, at 17:15 at Smithfield in the Free state. Dennis and Jeanette du Plessis from Skaapkraal in Smithfield were attacked and severely assaulted with iron rods by an unknown number of attackers. They sustained a number of broken bones during the attack, and are in serious condition in hospital.

The attackers demanded money and firearms and fled the scene with the couple’s bank cards, money and firearms after the brutal assault. It was also reported that after managing to raise the alarm that the suspects were pursued and when one attacker was cornered he fatally shot himself.