South Africa: This is What It Means to Have Brown People Rule Over You

Diversity Macht Frei
November 5, 2017

The woman was the victim of a smash-and-grab raid carried out by a negro. When she expressed her unhappiness about this using vivid terminology, she was charged with multiple counts of racism.

One was for calling the 10111 hotline and calling the person who answered the phone a “f*****g k****r”, and another for calling another call centre agent a “f*****g bitch”.

The other was for calling the 10111 call centre agent a “useless k****r” and the last was for calling Constable David Mkhondo, who assisted her on the scene of her accident a “useless k****r” and “black bastard”.

In the video clip that went public, Momberg can be heard complaining about the “calibre of blacks” in Johannesburg.

“The calibre of blacks in this town [varies] from the calibre of blacks in Durban. They’re opinionated, they’re arrogant, and they’re just plain and simple useless. I am happy for a white person to assist me, or a coloured person, or an Indian person. I do not want a black person to assist me,” she shouted.

“Let me tell you something. This is the type of police force we have got. We’ve got a low calibre of people working. If I see a black person, I will drive them over. If I have a gun, I will shoot everyone,” she tells the officer before driving off.

Earlier this year during her trial, she said that she would not have been able to identify the alleged smash-and-grab suspect.

“All I would have been able to say was that he was black,” she testified.


A brown person robs her. Brown people process her requests for assistance. Brown people pass judgement upon her when those requests for assistance are deemed to have been improperly phrased.

The negro who robbed her has never been caught or convicted. She was convicted for complaining about it.

Here we see essentially the same phenomenon in response to the protests about the murder of white farmers in South Africa. Whites complain about their own genocide, prompting calls for them to be arrested for “sedition” and warnings that their complaints could lead to an intensification of the genocide.

South Africa is the canary in the coal mine for white people. This is what our ancestors will live like unless a political revolution occurs within the next few decades.