Radio Aryan
November 2, 2016
The first South West Forum was held on Saturday 29th October 2016 with a room packed full of Nationalists from all over Britain as far north as Yorkshire and as far south as Cornwall, with some excellent speeches from top quality speakers on a broad range of subjects to do with activism. The second half of the day included speeches from Max Musson and Jez Turner, with vintage Nationalist Ian Fotheringham giving us his thoughts on the proceedings.
First up is Max Musson, friend and colleague of the late John Tyndall, who has been an active nationalist since 1974. He has stood as a candidate for both the National Front and the British National Party and over the years has been instrumental in the founding of three Nationalist branches. He is also a founding member of ‘Western Spring’, which runs one of the most popular websites in Britain, for which he is currently editor and operations director. His presentation is entitled ‘Community Activism’ and in it he describes a process that can be used to establish and secure White communities, with a view to then keeping out all non-White intruders. We have to stop thinking in terms of a mono-cultural society and start adapting our tactics to the multicultural society if we want to win. Max has been watching the ways the invaders operate and suggests that we do similar until it is us who own and control everything in one area.
Former National Front candidate Ian Fotheringham then speaks briefly about his impressions of the speakers so far and how Brexit has reinvigorated British Nationalism, before calling for a missionary zeal in promoting our cause and saving our country.
The last presentation of the day is by Jez Turner ‘The most influential fascist in Britain’. Largely known for his work as Chairman of The London Forum and the inspiration behind The Forum Network, Jez is also an energetic organiser, activist, writer and networker for our movement at home and abroad. Known for his humorous approach combined with a ‘sailing close to the wind’ message, he starts with an anecdote about a depraved congoid preying on White women and how he dealt with this. His speech is entitled ‘No time for cowardice’ and he talks about Marxism, Liberalism, Feminism and all the rest of the ridiculous politically correct nonsense that has merely been a blip in the course of our history. Jez finishes by calling for the ideology of common sense to reassert itself and push them all into the gutter where they so truly belong.
Featuring Max Musson, Ian Fotheringham and Jez Turner
South West Forum Part 2: Max Musson, Ian Fotheringham and Jez Turner – SWF 110216
Download (01:26:38)
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