Southern Baptist Convention Condemns the Alt-Right

Hunter Wallace
Occidental Dissent
June 15, 2017

I’m not a Southern Baptist.

I’ve never been a Southern Baptist either. I was raised as a Methodist, but as I got older and started to think more about religion I discovered that the Methodist Church supported abortion. They’re also opposed to “racism.” It was resolutions like that passed by church bodies which alienated me from Christianity for many years. The faith as I was exposed to it had no appeal to me.

It took years for me to realize that American Christianity was simply going with the flow. Every other “mainstream” institution in our society has been compromised by entryists. The same is true of the church. It is also true of the media, the universities, the military, etc. They’re all on the same page and promote the same values and narrative. In particular, the Southern Baptists are notable for not being at the forefront of social change whether it was over slavery or segregation.

The Southern Baptist Convention officially denounced the Alt-Right this afternoon:

“Phoenix, Arizona (CNN)The Southern Baptist Convention moved to denounce the “alt-right” white nationalist movement Wednesday, a collective decision that occurred only after pastors pushed back against denominational leaders who initially chose not to address the issue.

At their annual meeting, Southern Baptists agreed to a statement decrying “every form of racism, including alt-right white supremacy, as antithetical to the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” …”

This is the handiwork of entryists like Russell Moore combined with the cowardly desire of conservative Christians to appease the media and cling to “respectability.”

None of this really flows from church doctrine. The very things being denounced by the Southern Baptist Convention – racism, slavery and white supremacy – are what it stood for throughout the vast majority of its own existence. The Southern Baptist Convention itself was called into existence over the refusal of abolitionists to enter into communion with slaveowners.

This is hardly the first retarded thing to come out of the Southern Baptist Convention in recent years. There was the lobbying on behalf of amnesty for illegal aliens. There was virtue signaling by electing its first black president. There was the debate over dropping “Southern” from Southern Baptist. There was pretty much everything Russell Moore has ever said and done in their name. The United Methodist Church recently said hold my beer and ordained a transsexual deacon.

The only thing this cucking by the Southern Baptist Convention will accomplish will be to win a few media plaudits and alienate some of its own members. As the Southern Baptist Convention becomes more identified with Russell Moore, its members who already dislike Moore, social justice crusades and who are sympathetic to the Alt-Right for that reason will leave the denomination. The overall effect will be to strengthen the Alt-Right by reducing the appeal of another cucked version of “mainstream” Christianity. The Alt-Right will thrive in a more secular America and among the disaffected.

The only loser in this will be Christianity. Russell Moore’s mawkish, milquetoast version of Christianity wasn’t the faith of our ancestors and has little appeal to men. As long as it carries that banner, the religious institutions built by our fathers will continue to crumble.