Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
November 16, 2015
I have always viewed atheism as pure cuckoldry. Not necessary the lack of a belief in God, but the act of pretending that it is important that you don’t believe in God and in particular arguing that people believing in God somehow has a negative effect on society.
Even if you have zero inclination to believe that a God exists, you have to be a complete whimpering liberal cuckold to suppose it isn’t good for society that the masses believe in God. Even Dawkins himself says the goal is to stop homophobia and the death penalty and racism.
Also, saying you want to “disprove” religion is absolute gibberish. It’s a religion, which is a social institution. It is not a scientific theory.
Anyway, it has finally happened that the atheists have done something funny. They have mocked the fact that our government let’s Jews and Moslems wear headgear in ID photos.
Just over the border from New Hampshire in the Massachusetts city of Lowell, a woman identifying herself as a follower of the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster (FSM), otherwise known as Pastafarianism, has been approved by the state’s Registry of Motor Vehicles (RMV) to wear a spaghetti strainer on top of her head in her state issued driver’s ID.
The approval to wear the helmet was initially denied. However, citing religious grounds, Lowell resident Lindsay Miller filed an appeal. Following intervention by the American Humanist Association’s Appignani Humanist Legal Center, the RMV reversed their decision and allowed her to put on her colander and get her driver’s license picture taken.
When she went to have her license renewed back in August of this year, the Massachusetts RMV policy that restricts hats and head coverings — with the exception of those worn for religious reasons — prevented her from wearing her spaghetti strainer. She told the Boston Globe that at the time of the incident, “They were kind of laughing” at her.
According to the church’s website, while there are those who perceive the religion to be satirical in nature, it “doesn’t change the fact that by any standard one can come up with” the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster is “as legitimate as any other” religion.
I doubt these hysterical women that hate religion because they hate their fathers would say they are doing this to mock government approval of the alien systems of hajis and kikes, but clearly, that’s who wears headgear in ID photos – not Christians.

The one actually probably is a Jew. Miller is a Jew name a lot of the time and most people who identify strongly as “atheist” are Jewish kikes.