Spain: 14 Moroccan Hajis Stab Man, Molest His Girlfriend

Dear Spaniards: If an entire building needs to be disinfected after a group of “migrants” has passed through it, that’s probably a sign that those migrants aren’t going to be good for your country.

Also the whole stabbing and assault thing.

Just sayin’.

Voice of Europe:

The events took place in Santa Coloma de Gramenet in Catalonia two days ago. The young lady was travelling on the Metro with her boyfriend when the Moroccan “manada” (or wild herd, as the Spanish call sexually violent groups of men) started molesting her.

The youths followed the couple out of the train compartment and inserted themselves inside an elevator in the train station with them and proceeded to knife the young man as he defended his girlfriend, and violently sexually attack the young lady.

The group were arrested by the local police of Santa Coloma de Gramenet this past Sunday, November 11th, in the house they were squatting in.

As they were diagnosed with scabies, an infectious skin disease, the police have had to disinfect the vehicles in which they were transported and the police station itself.

Two of the 14 Moroccan youths captured were minors, and several of those involved had already been arrested a couple of times in recent days by local police for various violent robberies. The wounded young man, who had come out in defense of his girlfriend, is out of danger.

The municipal government has asked the Catalan government to address the situation urgently as these unaccompanied youths are dedicated to “committing different crimes and delinquencies, generating alarm and insecurity.” They have also asked for more policing of the zone.