Spain: 20 Vibrants Attack, Hospitalize Two Asylum Center Security Guards

Asylum guards owe their livelihoods to the ongoing invasion of Europe.

I chuckle at their suffering.


A mob of around twenty migrants in an asylum reception centre in Spain are said to have brutally beaten two security guards with sticks and rocks while threatening to kill them.

The attack occurred at a reception centre for unaccompanied underage migrants in Hortaleza, a district of the Spanish capital of Madrid. The violence occurred after the two guards refused to allow two “troubled boys” access to other areas of the building, El Mundo reports.

The two males then proceeded to attempt to force their way through the guards and used their feet and fists to start beating them. The guards chased after the males after they managed to get by them, and were then attacked again.

Another guard arrived to see the pair being viciously beaten by around twenty migrant youths. Another sixty or more were prevented from joining the attack.

The two original migrants then armed themselves with rocks and sticks and threatened to kill both of the guards, making gestures of cutting their necks.

Two of the three guards were sent to local hospitals, one with injuries to his face and torso and the other for injuries to his finger and neck.