Daily Stormer
February 27, 2015

Well, this is strange.
The Spanish police on Friday carried out the first arrests in Western Europe of citizens accused of traveling to Ukraine to fight on the side of the Russian-backed rebels there.
Eight Spaniards were arrested in dawn raids across different regions of Spain, including in Madrid and Barcelona, the Interior Ministry said in a statement.
Those arrested, the ministry said, recently returned to Spain after going to Ukraine last year to join pro-Russian troops around Luhansk and Donetsk. The ministry said that they had been identified partly by information that the eight had posted online, including photographs of themselves wearing paramilitary uniforms and training with explosives and assault rifles.
The fighters are likely to be charged with participating in activities considered to be terrorism by Ukraine, the ministry said, including taking part in assassinations and carrying illegal weapons. The ministry also said that fighting in Ukraine could in itself amount to a violation of “the neutrality of Spain.”A spokeswoman for the Spanish National Police said that it could not release further details because the police operation was continuing. The Spanish news media reported that those who were arrested included former members of the Spanish military.
Francisco de Borja Lasheras, associate director of the Madrid office of the European Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank, said there was “a long narrative among certain segments of the Spanish left that anything that happens in Eastern Europe is a C.I.A. conspiracy and part of a Western imperialist agenda.” That narrative, he suggested, blended with “a certain nostalgia for the Soviet Union” that could be traced back to the Spanish Civil War, when “the Soviet Union was the only power supporting directly the Spanish Communists.”
Until now, Spain’s efforts to stop its citizens from taking part in overseas conflicts have focused on fighting in the Middle East, particularly in Syria, where the government says dozens of Spaniards might have joined the ranks of Islamic State militants.
Terrorism, you say? In an internationally disputed area? Where civilians are being openly slaughtered by the opposition?
This is something. They are being classified on the same ticket as ISIS fighters.
Yatsenyuk, Klitchko, Poroshenko and the rest of these Jews are the ones that should be arrested for terrorism. They’re the ones who have violently overthrown an elected government and installed an illegal junta.