Spain: Government Prepares Massive Crackdown on the Media to Protect Democracy

Pedro Sanchez, Spain’s socialist prime minister

It has long been well-established that a democracy cannot function without mass censorship.

If you do not have mass censorship in a democracy, the voters will learn about right-wing ideas, and then they will vote for politicians who are against democracy.

Therefore, mass political censorship is the only possible way to defend democracy.

European Conservative:

Spain’s socialist government has unveiled radical plans to regulate the press to combat so-called ‘disinformation.’ Critics have branded the move as “censorship” and an attempt by prime minister Pedro Sánchez to distract attention from an ongoing scandal involving his wife.

The Democratic Action Plan will create a register of media outlets operating in Spain, something Sánchez claimed was necessary because democracy is “being besieged” by “campaigns of disinformation and hoaxes.”

El Debate says the registry will allow the government to dictate who media outlets’ shareholders can be, their sources of financing, and how much government institutions will spend on advertising with them. Any media outlet not on the register will likely be branded “pseudo-media,” a term used by the socialist government and its supporters to discredit any new outlets that deviate from the establishment line.

You know, this is a lot more extreme than that law in Georgia with the NGOs.

But you’ve never heard anyone complain about this, have you?

Culture minister Ernest Urtasun claimed the registry will be impartial because it will be drawn up by an independent body, the National Commission for Markets and Competition. However, El Debate points out that the president of the body, Cani Fernández, was an advisor to Sánchez’s cabinet in 2020.

The plan was proposed amid an investigation into Sánchez’s wife, Begoña Gómez, who is accused of influence-peddling and corruption. The PM has blamed what he calls “far-right” online media for pursuing the case.

So he’s doing the whole thing to protect his wife from corruption charges?

Interesting that this lines up directly with the Jewish agenda to protect democracy.

Sanchez is also a big fan of anal, like you’d expect