Spain: Nude Moroccan has Sexual Emergency, Tries to Rape Social Worker

If the social worker didn’t want to get ravished by a virile nude haji, why was she working at a “juvenile center” in the first place?

I bet that Moroccan was really confused when she rejected his advances.

Confused and hurt.

Voice of Europe:

Agents of the National Police have arrested an immigrant for sexual assault at a juvenile center in Palma in Mallorca, where the youth was detained after arriving in a boat to the island.

The events occurred when the young man, of Moroccan origin, showed up totally naked and grabbed a 24-year-old social worker, pushing her into a bathroom, when the girl began to scream and narrowly managed to escape from her attacker.

Once the Police became aware of the facts, they went to the juvenile center and proceeded to arrest the refugee for sexual assault.

Less than two weeks ago, the same young man was arrested and denounced for various crimes including mistreating his family, harassment and serious threats. He is currently free and awaiting trial.