Italy: Riots as G-7 Ends, Rioters Confused as to What They are Rioting About

Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 27, 2017

The thing I think is really neat about modern riots is that they don’t really have any clear purpose, and the groups and individuals involved don’t appear to have any specific qualms.

It’s like, you could interview one of these people as to why they are rioting, and they would just be like: “BECAUSE FUCK THIS SHIT MAN I CAN’T TAKE IT.”

People are extremely dissatisfied with their lives, but they don’t have a clear grasp on where this dissatisfaction is coming from. And none of the mainstream protest groups are offering any explanations. Because the mainstream protest groups are all “controlled opposition.”


A G7 protest in Taormina, Italy resulted in violent clashes with the police, who were seen deploying tear gas at protesters.

The violence erupted as the protesters reportedly veered off the approved route and approached a police checkpoint.

A small group of protesters broke from the main column and tried to flank the riot police checkpoint by running along the beach. The police then charged the protesters and deployed tear gas.

The tear gas formed a thick cloud, which, however, dispersed rather quickly.

An ambulance took away at least one injured person, Reuters reports.

At one point, a column of protesters faced the police, demanding free passage, citing freedom of movement.

The protesters, however, promptly formed a new column and approached the checkpoint again, chanting “Sicily is not afraid.”

According to Italian media estimates, about 3,000 people are participating in the march.

The march and its route were sanctioned by the authorities.

The G7 protest march was staged by several groups with varying political views, including anarchists, communists, and LGBT supporters. Flags of the Kurdistan Workers’ Party (PKK) were also seen.

Now that right there is a weird coalition.

There were also anti-Trump global warming believers in attendance.

The PKK has an obvious, clear racial agenda.

The rest?

No idea.

And the problem isn’t that I have no idea: the problem is that they don’t either.

The protest marks the end of the G7 summit, which concluded today in Sicily.

The turnout was less than expected, as tight security measures prevented many people from showing up, according to a professor from Sicily, Salvatore Giordano, who was searched multiple times by police before reaching the site of the demonstration.

“They are criminalizing our dissent,” Giordano told Reuters. “We’re pacifists. We’re not here to break windows, but to protest against Sicily being turned into a giant aircraft carrier for the world’s military powers.”

Pacifist rioters…

The coordinator of Sicily’s communist party, Alessandro D’Alessandro accused media of waging a “fear campaign” against the protesters, to keep their numbers low.

“It was hard to get here,” Reuters quoted D’Alessandro as saying. “But we came to tell the world’s most powerful people that we oppose their military and capitalistic worldview. We’re here to defend the interests of the weakest.”

Meanwhile, those with their “military and capitalistic worldview” are directly funding these communist and anarchist groups, because mass immigration – which is the prime goal now all of leftist groups – forwards the “military and capitalistic” agenda.

They used to protest “free trade” and the environmental effects of over-industrialization of the third world and so on, as well as have some specific understanding of the geopolitics and financial interests causing this state of perpetual war. Now they’re just out there screaming about “war and rich people in general,” Islam, anal sex with men, global warming and… whatever.

Basically, if we could just get people to put on the glasses, and see that there is a very specific group of people who run all sides of everything, we could get this whole situation worked out real fast.

But instead, we just have an ever escalating cycle of weird nonsense, feeding into itself.


Or, perhaps a modern analogy is in order: we have a woman eating diamonds, shitting them out, washing them off in soup, then eating them again – all the while, just waiting around to be gassed and made into a lampshade.

Hate to say it again. Actually a I don’t.

This does relate to women.

There were some cuties there.

So the men go to look macho by fighting with cops – without having a clear reason why they’re doing it.

Because due to the death of monogamy, men are now forced to spend approximately 100% of their vital energies trying to figure out ways to get pussy.

If the men opposed to the G-7 were married men, who had just had sex this morning and were going to have sex again this evening, it seems very possible they would have taken some time to figure out what exactly it is they are protesting for and/or against.

Something a bit more coherent than “militaries and capitalism.”

A “protest,” by definition, must involve specific demands. Otherwise you just have a disgruntled mob.