Andrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
January 12, 2015

The Interior Minister of Spain, Jorge Fernandez Diaz, stated on Sunday that he is determined to seek a modification of the Schengen treaty which will allow Spain to check ID at the border, AFP reports.
Diaz cited the threat of Moslems returning from jihad in the Middle East to slaughter people in Europe.
“We are going to back border controls and it is possible that as a consequence it will be necessary to modify the Schengen treaty,” he said.
As the sand monkey threat has now made itself manifest to the people of Europe, a turtle-shell mood is going to happen, which will have serious ramifications on the stability of the already collapsing European Union. Everyone is going to want more control over their borders and more ability to block and eject these filthy subhuman “asylum seekers.”
Merkel is going to have to come out and lecture Spain about how “free movement” of hordes of mass-murdering Moslem terrorists is part of the fundamental value system of the EU, and everyone is going to be like “wait, this dogfaced bitch is telling us we don’t have a right to stop Snackbars from doing a Charlie on us because of fundamental values?”

The cartoon massacre really is a gift that just keeps giving: Jews are fleeing Europe, nationalist parties are gaining wide support, Moslems are being feared and loathed as dangerous outsiders and the integrity of the EU is being further weakened.
These ISIS guys are like Santa’s elves, delivering happiness to all the little boys and girls.